Chapter 2946 Green Fruit 5

The child is a bit of a sentimental feeling. The tears that originally stopped when I saw Dongyu, and the surge of power, simply let go of the scorpion and cried amazed.

The more I cried, the more the face of Dongyu became iron, and even the hand holding the towel for me could not help but tremble.

I think, at that time, he must have hated the person who bullied me into the bones. At least I have never seen Dongyu have such terrible eyes, gloomy, hateful, so that both hands are stiff and abnormal.

Is it painful? He wiped me for a while and asked politely.

I nodded wrongly, and pointed pitifully at several points on my body. I swallowed tightly on his shoulder and groaned silently.

Then, I noticed the traces of the shoulders, affectionate and pity.

"Don't be afraid." His voice was dumb. "I have you, don't cry."

At that moment, my emotions settled down.

After taking a shower, he took a cream for me, and let me rest in his bedroom for a while. I was so tired that I couldn’t sleep for a while.

I don't know how long I slept. In the evening, I was suddenly awakened by the noise in the living room. The sky was already out of the window. I ran to the door and opened a gap. I could see the scene in the living room through the door. I seem to have heard the sound of peas crying, followed by the roar of adults and grandma arguing.

"Your home Dongyu has made my son like this! Does it matter?"

"Do you have a fight between children? Can a child make such a hand? Where did my peas offend him? As for playing this?"

"Auntie, I am respectful of you as an old man on weekdays. This is a polite one, but today it is a trouble, no matter what, your family must give me a statement!"

"I see your home winter, usually look"

From my point of view, I can only vaguely distinguish the silhouette of the back of the winter, and he stood there quietly and quietly. There is no explanation, no debate, even if faced with harsh arguments, Did not wrinkle a brow.

Some of them were scared. I didn't dare to go out in the room. I just looked at the scene in the living room with a stupid look. After the quarrel, the Peas family left in an angry way. Grandma frowned and turned and had some headaches. Looking at his forehead, he asked: "Winter, why do you want to beat others?"

Dong Yu did not speak, the old man was anxious, and he slammed his feet and urged a few more. "You are talking!"

He was silent for a long time, and suddenly he barely raised his face and icy.

"He deserves it."

A bang.

"Don't say this! Fighting is not right! Dongyu, you have to be sensible, apologize!"

"He first bullied my sister!" Dong Yu said with a sigh, "I am wrong, I am right, I will not apologize!"

Grandma also stunned, and for a long time, I cried and said, "I don't know who your temper is like, so embarrassing, not very human."

After that incident, none of the boys in the village dared to bully me. They must have been afraid of Dongyu.

But for girls, Dongyu always has an indescribable appeal. Therefore, the little girl who loves Dongyu in the village is not a minority. She has more or less selfishness and is close to me.

I am familiar with it. When I am caught, I will ask: "Xia Chun, is your brother out of school?"

(End of this chapter)

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