Chapter 2954 Green Fruit 13

When Xiaosheng first exam, my mother closed my eyes and filled me with volunteers.

She is ambitious and has a big stroke, filling out the second key junior high school in the city.

At that time, in junior high school, only students with excellent grades were eligible for school selection.

I am still fighting for strength. When I was in the sixth grade, I worked hard. The so-called hard work was just taking lectures seriously during class, and the results were leaps and bounds.

The primary school final exam, even relying on the class's first place, how many people's eyes are shocked.

I successfully took home the school choice volunteer book, and my mother almost didn't stand firm.

When I was eating, my father always sighed that I have a smart brain, but I am too lazy in my studies.

The school selection test scores excellent, I got the offer letter without any suspense.

Throughout the summer, I suddenly rose from a slave to a princess.

In the past, when I was not good at school, my mother would instruct me to do housework, saying that girls should learn to do it sooner or later, and their grades are not good. If they have no interest in the future, then they will teach each other at home, and housework will be indispensable.

So, from a young age, I will start to exercise.

I did not agree with it, I think my life will definitely be promising!

However, despite the admission notice, I still feel a little regret.

Because that year, Dongyu got the admission notice of the provincial key high school.

I was three years old with him, but it was like a youth.

Some people say that junior high school is the starting point of the juvenile journey.

A lot of love begins, and many memories of the green are starting from here.

When I graduated from elementary school that summer vacation, I often fantasized about what it would be like in junior high school.

At that time, there were many youth idol dramas on the campus, so I began to wonder if the reality of campus life would be like the idol drama.

Of course, this idea, in the first week of junior high school life, was completely disillusioned in the face of a thick stack of homework.

The so-called youth, probably in the piles of homework, was killed by alive.

"How come so many homework?"

Whenever I got home, I dropped my heavy bag on the sofa and couldn't help but complain.

"I didn't even recognize the appearance of the teachers in the various subjects. The exercises were thick and thick!"

Dongyu passed by, holding the newspaper in his hand against my head and a dozen.

"There will be more in the future."

At that time, he has become a first year of high school.

Every time I go home, my work is spread out on the table, and I can always make a spectacular sight.

Now, it’s finally my turn to taste this taste!

"Winter..." I spoke to him.

He had a foresight. Before I had asked him, he said coldly, "Don't expect me to do your homework."

After I finished junior high school, I couldn’t be with Dongyu every moment.

In elementary school, the day when I sat by the window and turned to see him, was gone.

However, it is fortunate that our school is not far away. When I was out of school, I would sneak into his school.

He read because it is the provincial focus, and the security is strict. However, there is a wall in the back playground, not too high, I just can turn it in.

He is late for class, so I will wander around in his school.

Library, music classroom, playground, and even the teacher's office area.

When I was bored, I sat on the playground with my bag and watched a group of boys playing basketball.

(End of this chapter)

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