Chapter 2969 Green Fruit 28

"Don't you listen to me?"

Since she has already spoken face to face, she simply courageously bravely, "Winter, I just transferred to school, I saw you at the opening ceremony, I like you very much! Chocolate is my gift, the greeting card is also me. I don’t have the courage to confess to you, I know that maybe I’m passionate about myself, it will bother you, but...this is my heart, do you have to refuse?”

Dongyu is a very soft person. At least, every time I am in trouble, when he is angry with me, I will sneak at him and ask him for a good, regenerating gas, and it will soon disappear.

However, this is the first time I discovered that Dongyu was not soft.

Even though the girl was about to cry, his face was still cold. "Don't cry, don't feel wronged, I know you like me, but I have no obligation to respond to you."

The girl probably didn't think that his words were so cruel and cruel. Now that there are other people present, she feels embarrassed. Even the chocolates are not remembered to take away, and they turn out and rush out of the classroom.

A few boys survived and came forward to tease. "Winter, do you use such a hurtful heart?"

"Yeah, that girl, her eyes are swollen!"

Dongyu glanced at them and said faintly, "Since I can't give her any response, don't give her any hope."

I couldn't help but hear this sentence.

On the way home, he rode the car, I stared at his waist, and suddenly curiously asked, "Winter, do you often receive love letters?"


"I remember when I was in elementary school, there were a lot of girls who liked you."

I clung to him, and some said uneasy, "Would you like a girl in the future?"

As soon as the voice fell, I noticed that his back seemed stiff.

Then, I heard him asking deeply, "Do you have someone you like?"


I said immediately. "I don't like anyone except you."

"This is just the present."

Dong Yu smiled. "When you grow up, you will have the boy you like, know each other, know each other, love each other, and keep it, then it will be a lifetime."

"Not at all!"

I disdain to say, "I like Winter Yu most, don't like other people!"

Having said that, he seems to have avoided this topic.

"What do you want to eat at night?"

I saw him skip this topic and no longer cling to it. The topic turned to other aspects.

However, his words still make me a little uneasy.

... Will he have the girl he likes in the future?

From acquaintance, knowing each other, to loving each other, staying together, and then living together for a lifetime?

what about me?

At that time, where is my position?

That night, he fell asleep, I touched his room, sat by his bed and looked at his sleep.

From small to large, the only person closest to him is me.

God knows that this special status makes many people envious.

I can think of one day, such a position, there will be another girl to replace, I feel unwilling.

When I lay down beside him and hugged him, I had a bold idea in my mind - can I like him?

As soon as this thought came out, I almost tightened myself.

Like this word, too familiar.

But the word love is a bit strange.

I like him, but I don't know if this is love.

(End of this chapter)

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