Chapter 2972 ​​Green Fruit 31

Passing through a bed, a cloaked hair, the staff dressed as a scorpion suddenly screamed at me, scared me to hug the back of Dongyu, yelling and squeezing him Go ahead.

Dongyu and Su Qi are calm, but they know that these are fakes. It’s hard to enter the show. I’m screaming all the way. When I walked out of the exit, I fell to the ground like a robbery. After I had escaped, I was still scared, and my tears rushed out and wept.

Dongyu cried on my shoulder with a smile, patted the back and comforted me. "Okay! Don't be afraid! It's gone inside, you still crying? It's really good."

He was both distressed and funny, and Su Qi laughed and leaned forward, and it was amused by the look of my tears.

Aside, a girl dressed in a uniform of staff came over and said weakly, "Are you a student of the second middle school?"

I looked up and saw her looking at the school uniform I was wearing, nodding with tears.

She saw me with tears, handed over a paper towel, and smiled helplessly. "Is the ghost house so scary?"

"Yeah!" I focused on the head.

But I heard her again. "My name is Han Wei, and I am also a student of the second middle school. I am in the first grade and nine classes. What about you?"

I forgot to cry when I heard it. I was surprised to say, "You also read the second?"

Han Wei is the first and best friend of my career.

Later, I learned that this haunted house was opened by her, and she will come to work part-time on Saturday and Saturday to work and study.

At that time, it was not a rare thing to work for underage.

Plus it is your own business, there is nothing to worry about.

Since then, Han and I have become very good friends, have nothing to say, and walk very close.

I often took her to school, went to a high basketball court, watched Dong Yu and Su Qi playing basketball, finished basketball, and went home together.

The back seat of Dongyu and Su Qi’s bicycles was occupied by us.

More often, I will sit in the back seat of Dongyu. He is sweaty and slimy. Even if I am hot and sweaty, I will hold him without hesitation.

Sitting in the back seat, watching the sun and the west, the sunset glowed on his body through the mottled tree shadow, as if it was plated with Jin Hui.

At that time, everything was so beautiful.

The first old vacation in middle school, we agreed to go to Xiangshan to play with water.

Xiangshan is a very small mountain, but it is famous, but it is not a mountain, but a mountain next to it, a large lake, crystal clear.

At that time, although the clear water was common, there were not many places that could be close to the water.

Next to the lake, connected to the waterfront, the lake is over the shore. I like to walk in the shallow waters. Look at the clear water without the ankles. Don't mention how comfortable.

At noon, spread a tablecloth on the shore and put the snacks and snacks on the tablecloth.

Han Wei seems to be a little uncomfortable. I saw her face a bit pale and asked a few words with concern.

She looked a little awkward and a little shy, only saying that her stomach was uncomfortable.

But at that time, I still don't understand the process that girls need to experience in their youthful development.

Until one day. In the early morning, I was awakened by a severe abdominal pain. When I opened my eyes, because of this sudden colic, my eyes suddenly fainted.

Tomorrow will update the sweetness of Mu Shi after marriage!

(End of this chapter)

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