Chapter 2982 Green Fruit 42

Students who participate in talent shows need to go to the auditorium to adjust to the scene in advance, how to play, how to introduce themselves, and even face the lens, how to show their smiles, teachers will focus on.

I only know that the original recording of the video recorder will make me more nervous.

Four o'clock in the afternoon.

I stood in the magnificent auditorium and saw that the students had entered slowly. The literary and art teacher gave me a faint makeup. In order to go on stage, I wore the best-looking dress in the closet.

As the opening repertoire, I was in charge of the headlines. When the show was about to start, I heard someone calling my name and looking back. I found that the first row was on, Su Qi waved at me, but I first looked at it. I found someone who stood by him and looked at me silently.

When Dongyu saw me, she suddenly got up and stared at me nervously, her eyes open.

I briefly met with his eyes, and I didn’t have time to say anything. The literary and art teacher hurriedly pulled me and said, “Xia Chun, in the press! It’s your turn!”

I nodded and hurriedly walked to the stage until the host reported my name. I suddenly reacted. The teacher urged me and grabbed the last few seconds to yell at me. The most talked about was to keep me nervous. Let it go.

Going to the stage, the stage was dark.


The stage lights fell under my feet. At that moment, I was in the blazing light, and the whole world was ridiculous.

I was nervous, and some of them were holding their mics and looking around, but they couldn’t see anything.

Finally, at the forefront of the stage, I saw him, his figure against the light, can not see the face, but I know, must be him.

"Everyone... Hello everyone! I am... I am Yin Xiachun of the second class! No... I am very honored to be on this stage... Next, I..."

I guess the literary and art teacher who stood behind the scenes and stared at the stage must be mad at the chest, and then desperately lowered his voice and said, "Don't be nervous! Don't be nervous!"

But I can't hear anything, and I can't see anything.

A heart is so nervous that it is about to jump out of the eyes!

I held my chest and finally, after a little calm, I slowly said, "Hello, I am Yin Xiachun of the second class, I am very honored to be on this beautiful stage. Next, I will bring you Come to a piano piece - "Autumn Whispers."

The applause sounded under the stage.

I turned around and gently licked the chest that exacerbated my heartbeat and slowly walked over to the tripod piano. When I sat down, my fingers accidentally touched the keys. With the microphone, the wrong syllables showed a discordant melody. .

I frowned, suddenly took a deep breath, and gently stroked the keys again, I imagined that Dongyu was sitting next to me, so that the nervous soul finally got released!

Ten fingers hold down one and spin, and then, the syllables of the clouds are always flowing at my fingertips.

Smooth, soothing, twirling.

Relatively speaking, this piece of skill is more difficult than "Jiangnan". The advantage is that this song, I have practiced for a whole year, a little consolidation, and I am as skilled as a human being.

After the end of the piano, I haven’t returned to God for a long time. Until the applause of the audience was thunderous, I suddenly reacted. I heard a teacher excitedly behind me: “Callout! Callback!”

(End of this chapter)

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