Chapter 3001 Green Fruit 63

I cried and said, "I regret it! I don't want to be with you, I hate you, I am tired of you, is it enough? Su Qi, have you let me go? I don't like you, so don't Forgive me, can you?"

I squatted at him hysterically, desperate, and the body fell down the wall.

What I am thinking about is that let me be self-sufficient, and no one cares about me.

What's more, I really... I really don't know how to face Su Qi, facing Dong Yu, my world, and they are completely out of touch, can't touch it.

I hugged my knees, silently shed tears and gritted my teeth.

Su Qi stood in front of me with all his wits and wanted to touch me. He could reach out and he saw my shoulders curling up. His hands were finally in the air and slowly shrank back.

After that day, Su Qi and I did not meet again.

He didn't come to me again, and I didn't look for him again.

I go to school alone every day, one person after school, go home and write homework silently, feels like a walking dead.

Until one day.

That morning, I opened the calendar, May 10, a special day.

Since the first half of the first semester, the first menstrual period of the first visit, on the 9th of each month, will arrive as scheduled, and in that month, it was unexpectedly absent.

I waited for it for a long time, until a long week passed, still not waiting for it to appear.

I suddenly panicked.

In junior high school, we have a vague concept for men and women, despite ignorance.

I already knew that if I came, I must come back. If I didn’t come, I must have an accident.

In the computer class, I sneaked on the Internet to check the information, the reason why menstruation did not come, the same is the same, the biggest suspicion is - perhaps pregnant.

From the computer class, in the computer classroom and the class is a few hundred meters short, I don't know what mood I used to walk.

pregnancy? !

The word is too heavy, I can't afford it.


I didn't dare to go to the hospital for examination. After three days of struggle in my heart, I finally got the courage. After school, I walked into the pharmacy and under the guidance, I bought several pregnancy tests.

God knows how I walked in and how I left.

From the beginning to the end, I all looked down and didn't dare to look at the strange eyes of those people, but I can still hear them. Many people whisper in the back, nothing more than how the children are now, so young, Just got a big belly and didn't feel self-respecting.

"Now the child is really awful! I am as old as her, even the boys' hands have not dared to take it!"

I fled the pharmacy like a wandering deserter.

I do not know.

I don't know, it will happen, and I don't even know that there will be accidental pregnancy.

I don't understand, after that, you should eat the contraceptive pill in time.

At that time, for the relationship between men and women, parents held very concealed rhetoric. The early **** education class only described the difference in the human body structure of men and women, but did not tell us how to be rehabilitated after an accident.

Mom only told me not to fall in love, but did not say that after the boy went to bed, he would become pregnant.

The person in the pharmacy said that it is best to have a pregnancy test in the morning, the first morning urine, and the test is accurate.

I have tested it twice. The first night, because I was too nervous, I didn't sleep well.

(End of this chapter)

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