Chapter 3061, Dad's Road 29

Nowadays, the market is sluggish, global financial degradation, industrial crisis, and the land grant is very difficult. If there is no strong background, it is difficult to get a piece of cake from Zhengfu.

To say that a large-capacity group like the Wanke Group has reached the Zhengfu, it has to nod and bow down.

Can be helpless, the official is just not letting go.

It happened that Wan Kezhen invested in an office building, so he took a fancy to the land of the new city. It was just this piece of land, which was auctioned by Sheng Yu and planned to develop financial street.

Therefore, Wan Ke sent him to communicate with Lu Yuyu, one of the leaders of the Shengyu Group, and finally won a little bit of eyebrows.

"Lu, you are..."

Lu Yuyu was also confused by the front of the scene. Seeing that Mu Yazhe stood on one side, his face was very cold. He smiled and said to the man, "Zhang Zong, you will not be so anxious?! I am not with you. Said, this development case, I am responsible for contact, what are you doing?"

He also thought that Director Zhang had deliberately ran to the door and wanted to get in touch with Mu Yazhe.

Director Zhang is even more embarrassed and asks, "Lu, what is your relationship with this man..."


Lu Yuyu smiled. "You don't know?"

"I don't know! I only know that he lives here."

“Does Zhang also live in the camphor?”


Lu Yuyu said, "This is the chairman of the Shengyu Group. Our boss, Mu, I didn't expect it to be so smart. You live in a villa area. I might as well recommend you!"

When the words came out, the man was completely stunned, and there was a cold sweat behind him.

"You... what are you talking about?"

The man pointed to a singer, and depressed, "You said this is..."

"I just said it very clearly."

Lu Yuyu is not patient enough to repeat the second time!

The man is completely in the same place, I don't know how to clean up the situation!

He would never have imagined that, in the legend, the mysterious chairman of the Tang Yu Sheng Yu Group, Mu Yazhe, actually lived with him in the villa area!

I didn't even think that this was misunderstood... He seemed to offend a bad person!

Lu Yuyu also noticed that something was wrong, and asked questioningly, "What is the matter?!"

"Uncle Yu!"

Yu You ran over, Lu Yuyu immediately picked him up, the little milk bag licked his neck and pointed at the man and said, "Their family ran to the door and said that we bullied his son, and we still apologize! It’s really not Reasoning!"

The woman hasn't figured out what's going on yet. When I stepped forward, I just had to turn my back on my lips. The man was still thinking fast, knowing the situation and immediately pulling her behind him!

"Husband, what are you doing!?"

The woman asked impatiently.

"Wife, I will introduce you to..."

The man swallowed his voice and said, "This is the chairman of the Shengyu Group, and Mr. Mu..."

The woman was paralyzed. She heard her husband mention the Shengyu Group. It is said that the chairman of Shengyu is not too small and famous.

Unexpectedly, it was him! ?

Then the famous figure, actually... is such a young man! ?

Some of her face couldn’t be hanged, and she couldn’t help but cramped!

Fang Cai, she is still so fierce, but now, it is not a dare to be beaten by a stick!

But she wants to bow her head immediately, nodding her head, and not coming down the table!

After all, the tree is skinned, the person wants a face, she does not want to lose this face.

(End of this chapter)

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