Chapter 3067, Dad's Road 35

The good news is that in the fairy tale valley, he and Yu You, and Mommy met for the first time.

The worry is that in the fairy tale valley, I have not played too much!

First, when the last time he came to the ground, Song Enya also followed Song Enxi, and he was particularly annoyed.

In particular, Song Enxi, who has been sticking to the ground, is not trying to sit on the carousel, but to hug and hug her, and she has been holding her. He feels that when he is holding Song Enxi, the picture How to look so dazzling!

At that time, he had to stand alone behind him, watching Song Enxi holding him, standing next to Song Enya, three people laughing and laughing, it seems that they are like a real family of three, and he, only being left out, Uncomfortable.

He still remembers that at that time, Song Enxi had been clamoring to sit on a carousel. He didn't like to sit. He was not interested in the carousel, but the child's unique reluctance, but whatever the hateful person liked, even if Like, he doesn't like it either!

Therefore, he watched as he sat on the carousel with Song Enxi, and his heart was empty!

Later, Song Enxi deliberately teased him, slandered him to push her, and finally, escorted her to the hospital, and left him alone in this fairy tale valley, feeling like being abandoned by the world.

But now it is different!

With his sister holding him, he is with Mommy, a younger brother, and a family of five, especially when he looks at him with a sly look, and he does not mention how happy he is. Now!

Xiao Yuchen took a bite of marshmallow and smiled happily. He suddenly licked the sleeves of Yu Youyou and said happily. "Youyou, is there any fun project in the fairy tale valley? Let's play together!"

Youyou listened, but his face was a bit lonely, he licked his lips, and said helplessly, "I can't play many projects, I can only watch you play."

“Is there a project for you to play?”


Yuyou pointed to the position of the heart and said, "Some projects are too exciting. If you play here, you will feel uncomfortable and breathless."

He has passed the respiratory syndrome again. If the project is too exciting, it will be triggered. When it happens, it will disturb everyone's interest, but it will not be worth the candle!

It’s rare for a family of five to get together and come out to play together. My sister is still there, but I don’t want to be disappointed because of his physical condition!

Xiao Yuchen knows the reason of his body, many projects can not play well, but there should always be his suitable project to play?

The big fairy tale valley is not always a thrilling project!

"What about the carousel?"

Mu Yuchen pointed to the direction of the carousel. "This project is not exciting, you can sit!"

"The carousel can be awkward."

Two small milk bags went to the front of Yunshi poetry and encouraged her to say, "Mummy, sit with us on a carousel!?"

Yun Shishi was entangled in no way, but had to explain that Mu Yazhe was optimistic about Xiaoyue Yao, so he took two little guys and walked toward the carousel.

There are VIP cards in hand, no matter what items are not required to line up!

Mu Yazhe sat on the side of the bench and waited for them to finish.

Not long after sitting down, Xiaoyue Yao’s face was a little anxious, squatting like a kitten, seems to have any appeal!

But she still can't speak, what dissatisfaction can only be seen through the way of swearing, or through subtle changes in expression!

(End of this chapter)

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