Chapter 3069, Dad's Road 37


Like a small bubble bursting sound, will be amused by Youyou and Xiao Yuchen!

Oops, how can my sister be so cute! ?

It’s just awesome!

Youyou wants to hug, but at this moment, the sun is getting bigger. Yunshi poetry is worried that Xiaoyueyao is basking, so he urges to say, "Put Yue Yao into the baby carriage and sleep!"

Mu Yazhe still has some reluctance. It can be seen that the sun is really big. This reluctantly puts the little guy into the stroller, pushes the stroller and walks toward the next attraction.

"Mummy, do you remember??"

When passing by Happy Street, looking at the game booth, Youyou was excited and excited. "You have been here before, I won a toy for me!"

Yun Shishi met, but he thought of something, "噗嗤" smiled, "Remember! Before you said that you want to play, the result of playing a shot, how can not vote a few!"

Yuyou’s face was red, and he was not willing to say, “That’s a bad state! Now I’m playing a game of shooting and I’m sure to grow!”

He said, he took Xiao Xiaochen to the front of the shooting machine, showed the VIP card, took the basketball in the basket, and cast it in disobedience.

Yun Shishi and Mu Yazhe walked over and stood on the periphery of the crowd.

Youyou tried hard to pitch the ball, and he was very hard to make a small face. However, it is not impossible to say that if you grow up, but you can only enter one before. Now you can enter two, so the slight progress is not worth a mention.

Only half a minute later, his physical strength could not keep up, and the accuracy of shooting dropped a lot. In the end, he only managed to pass five percentages and only got a commemorative prize!

Yu You left the shooting machine with a frustrated look, Xiao Xiaochen went up and said to him, "Youyou, my brother will give you a prize!"

He also showed the VIP card, and soon, the timing began.

He grabbed the basketball and ignited the flames in his eyes!





Even ten shots, hundreds of hundred!

Xiao Yuchen's physical fitness is very good, and his sports cells are much stronger than Yuyou. For sports like basketball and football, he has an innate talent!

He rarely plays basketball and doesn't play much, but his accuracy is surprisingly high.

When the game is over, I will take a thousand points and get a second prize!

The second prize, this prize is already very rich!

It is a rare toy produced by Lezhi. Xiaoxun has successfully won the toy. It is a cute and realistic little tiger, white hair, jade-like eyes, extremely realistic!

Xiao Yuchen thought that this was just a simple plush toy. When he got the toy, he also snorted: "The second prize is this toy? It looks very ordinary!"

"Not at all!"

Yu You smashed, took the toy from his hand, and then gently pinched the small paw on the left side, just listening to the "drop" and entered the recording state!

It turns out that this furry toy is not an ordinary tiger doll, but also has a recording function!

Yu You said to the tiger's little mouth, "Xiaoyue Yao is the most beautiful princess in the world!"

At the end of the recording, he lifted it to Xiao Yuchen and pinched the right tiger's right paw. The tiger's eyes suddenly lit up, and then the sound of the voice-changing sound came out of his mouth: "Xiaoyueyao is the most in the world." beautiful princess!"

(End of this chapter)

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