Chapter 3072, Dad's Road 40

Xiao Yuchen met, not willing to hold the big giraffe and squeezed in front of Youyou, said to Yueyao, "Sister and sister! Don't you like this doll?! It is a giraffe. Later, when you grow up, you can Hold it to sleep!"

The people on the side saw it, but they were warmed up by this picture of love!

These two little brothers, should they be twins? It’s really warm to my sister!

It can be seen that these two little guys are very fond of their sisters, especially some treasure moms, who are envious and obsessed!

Many families have given birth to a second child. It is too late for two children to compete for a toy. They are competing for each other, and they are afraid that one party will have a preference and the other side will be left out and squeezed out.

Sometimes, quarreling and squashing are inevitable.

Therefore, the harmonious relationship between children is extremely valuable!

Xiaoyue Yao saw the giraffe held in the arms of Xiao Yuchen, and also subconsciously reached out to grab.

For her, there are so many interesting, fun, novel things in this world!

But what she has never seen, I feel fun!

But she is still so small, who knows what to choose, only knows what is sent to the front, she wants.

Youyou met, and immediately shouted, "Mu Yuchen, you don't want to play with Lai! My sister is more like SD dolls!"

"Who said it! It’s your right to play it! If you can’t wait to put the SD doll in front of your sister, so that my sister can’t see the toy I’m holding, she won’t want your doll!”

"What do you know! Girls love dolls! Especially SD dolls, exquisite and realistic, my sister will love it!"

"Or the giraffe is cute, my sister must like the gift I picked."


The two little guys were holding a SD doll, a giraffe, and a gift for the sister who liked the gift.

The people around them made a good laugh.

Mu Yazhe’s lips twitched and walked over and said, “How come you are noisy.”

"Daddy, you can help you."

"You only play the game! I don't care, anyway, my sister wants the SD doll first!"

Yun Shishi suddenly laughed and laughed, and asked Yueyao, "Yueyao, which brother do you like to pick the toy?"

Xiaoyue Yao looked at the SD doll in the hands of You You, and looked at the giraffe that Xiao Yuchen was holding. For a time, it was a little embarrassing!

Look at the two small milk bags with a pair of eager eyes, looking at her with a gaze, nervously holding his breath!

It seems that this is not a selection of toys, but a sacred election!

Calling in my heart, sister, choose me, choose me!

Yueyao suddenly extended two hands, each separated from each other, one hand grasped the doll in the hands of Youyou, and the other hand was clutching to the giraffe in Xiaoyanchen's arms.

Yun Shishi explained, "It’s broken. Your sister is greedy and needs both."

Mu Yazhe helped the amount, said, "Don't argue, since Yueyao likes it, both of them must."

He returned to the shooting platform and said to the staff, "I will play again."

"Come again!?"

The staff was scared and looked at the wreckage of the balloon. He was too busy to ask, "Sir, let me go! You see, you have knocked out more than half of the balloons on the panel, and the balloons are not enough at this time." You hit! Our machine for ballooning has failed, and it is too late for people to blow it."

(End of this chapter)

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