Chapter 3075 Century Wedding 1

Gene regeneration is a huge project, and Alice tells Miyazaki that if he has to wait for recovery, he will need to do more than 30 operations to reshape his basic functions.

Of course, she pointed to recovery, but in a certain sense of recovery, for example, to restore the sound of the vocal cords, but the function of other organs.

When Gong Gong entered the ward, Yunye Cheng was lying on the bed, inserting an oxygen tube, squinting, and seemed to be awake.

Everything on the ECG is normal.

He walked over to the bed and leaned down, facing the cloud industry, "Uncle?"

Yunye turned his head slightly and looked at him. He made a hoarse voice with difficulty. "Small 桀... you are back..."


Miyazaki sat down at the bed, then took out the mobile phone, flipped out the wedding stickers that Yun Shishi gave him, and a few wedding photos, handed it to him, flipped through to him, and whispered to him, "Poetry The poem is about to get married soon! Before that, you try to raise your body and wait until the wedding scene, I will take you there."

When I heard this sentence, Yunye Cheng’s original lifeless eyes suddenly opened up and his eyes brightened.

"Poetry... Finally... I want to get married..."

When Xiaoyue Yao was born, because of his physical condition, at that time, just after the operation, he was still in a coma, and he could not rush in person.

When he woke up again, he learned from the mouth of Gong Yi that Yun Shishi added a daughter and made a "good" child. He was very happy.

Just, while being gratified, it is inevitable that I feel sorry!

The beloved daughter produces childbirth. He has no way to accompany him personally. Even, look at his granddaughter, or see it from the photo!

In the photo, there is a family of five, Mu Yazhe is sitting on the bedside, holding Yunshi poems in his arms, while Yun Shishi holds Xiaoyue Yao, facing the camera, Xiao Yuchen and You You are right. Smiling at the camera, warmer and better than the gesture of victory.

He looked at it, but he felt very gratified.

However, I heard that Gong Yi said that he would take him to the wedding scene, but Yunye Cheng was suddenly guilty!

"If the poem is married, I will... I will not go..."

Gong Yi listened, but it was very strange, "Why?"

"Small 桀... you see me like this... so many VIPs at the wedding scene... I look like this, I’m scared..."

"Uncle, how can you think so?"

Miyazaki comforted him. "If you don't go, poetry should be sad! On such an important occasion, she must hope to have your testimony."

Yunye listened, and my heart was moved. I felt so sad, rubbed my eyes, my eyes were slightly wet.

He always felt embarrassed about her.

Because of Yunna’s business...

He has always been worried.

Gong Yi also comforted him a few words. He said, "You are the father of poetry, you are his most important relative."

Yunyecheng heard this and it was tears. Then I nodded and agreed to go!

However, when Gong Gong left the ward, he recalled what he had said, but there was a moment of envy.

- You are the father of poetry, his most important relative.

So what about the father?

Miyazaki returned to the palace with absent-mindedness before he went upstairs. The butler saw him and immediately stopped him. "Young master, the master is waiting for you in the study."

"Father looking for me?"

"Well! Master said, when you come back, let you go to his study, he has something to ask you."

(End of this chapter)

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