Chapter 3081 Century Wedding 7

Yuyou is clearly at the bottom of the palace, and is definitely the level of the rich enemy.

The annual order revenue in North America alone exceeds several billion dollars. After deducting costs, the net profit is also above $3 billion.

This is just the order revenue in North America.

In addition, the total amount of military and fire transactions in the African region is even more impressive.

The most important thing is that there are two military factories under the palace, and the arms of the factory are sold to various countries.

You You once described the palace in one sentence. He is awkward, rich and fluid, and he touches his hand. It is greasy. Therefore, it’s absolutely not for him to be a billion-dollar player. The value is mentioned!

However, this figure is quite objective for the sake of depression.

Yu You is distressed for a few seconds.

Hua Jin came over from the crew and pushed the door open and bumped into the palace. The back of the back was stiff.

God, this Prince is coming again.

Demon Lord.

Hua Jin deliberately circumvented the palace, and sat down to Xiao Xiaochen's side. He saw that he seemed to be interested in hiding himself. He frowned slightly. "How do you hide from me? I will eat people."

You can……

However, this flower Jin also dared to put it in the heart, but did not dare to say it!

Miyazaki is his nemesis, and in his mind, has always been the level of the Great Devil.

"Don't talk to you more! I am going to hug my little niece."

Said, Miyazaki stood up and walked toward the baby room.

Come back to discuss the matter of marriage, so that he has not seen Xiaoyue Yao who thinks about him day and night!

Walking into the baby room, Xiaoyue Yao was sleeping in the sweet cradle bed. The palace was not willing to disturb her, sitting silently on one side, holding one hand, so she quietly leaned on the bed and looked at her.

I don't know how long I watched, Xiaoyue Yao actually yawned and woke up in confusion.

Interestingly, seeing her yawn, Gong Yi also unconsciously followed a yawn.

People who are close to each other say that if one party yawns, the other party will also be affected.

Xiaoyue Yao opened his eyes, and the black eyeball turned and saw him. The eyebrows were slightly raised, and the little hand was raised, pointing at him, oh yeah, falling into the eyes of the palace, but it was like pointing to him. Say hello!

This little glutinous rice dumplings, obviously recognized the palace, excited to lick the calf, opened a small hand toward him, grabbed it!

This shows that it is seeking for help!

The niece asks for a hug, and it’s natural to be happy!

Miyazaki reached out and walked through the little guy's armpit, holding Xiaoyue Yao in his arms.

But the next scene, but really made him cry and laugh!

Perhaps it was too long to sleep, the little guy was a little hungry, and he was so familiar with the shackles of the palace, and Zhang Zhang’s mouth was opened, and the chest of the palace was accurately and without mistake.

The back of the palace was stiff, looking down at Xiaoyue Yao's mouth, and his mouth was on his clothes, leaving a circle of water stains, silent for a while.

Where is the milk from him! ?

This scene, Yu Youyou, who was unfortunately pushed in and walked in, saw it for a while, then he smiled and leaned forward.

"Ha ha ha ha!"

The blessing of Youyou led a group of people.

Mu Yazhe walked into the room, but saw Xiaoyue Yao squatting in the chest of the palace, his little hand slap on his face, a pair of milky look, seeing no milk, and a little unhappy, "哼唧哼唧"There was a few sighs!"

(End of this chapter)

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