Chapter 3083 Century Wedding 9

"Brother, we bet, Yueyao’s first call is definitely awkward."

Youyou listened, but he protested with dissatisfaction. "Why not "big brother"?"

When Gong Gong shot his head, he dismissed the road. "Going, no matter what you are."

Youyou held the back of his head and looked at him with a sigh of relief. He thought of something cold, and smiled abruptly. He turned and whispered a few words to Xiaochen Chen.

The latter’s expression of “I’m comprehended” is a mysterious smile at the blessing of the two, and the two little milkbags are laughing badly.

In the evening, at the door of the bedroom, You You and Xiao Yuchen crept openly and slid into the master bedroom.

The door of the master bedroom was hidden, and it was not true. Xiao Yuchen walked lightly into the baby room in the master bedroom and walked to the cradle bed. His head went to the past, but at this time, Xiaoyue Yao was waking up. With it, holding a pair of big eyes, seeing him, excitedly squinting, his calves groaning, like excited.

Xiao Yuchen immediately raised her finger and gestured at her more than a snoring gesture. However, Xiao Yueyao knows what this gesture means. Instead, she feels curious. She has widened her eyes, rubbed her head, and looked away. solution.

He leaned over and carefully hugged Xiaoyue Yao, then hugged his sister, slipped out of the room and hugged into his bedroom.

Youyou took the bottle and let Xiaoyuchen hold Xiaoyueyao. First, feed his beloved sister to drink milk. When the little guys have enough to eat, Xiaoxiaochen will hold Xiaoyueyao in his arms. She smiled softly.

"Yue Yao, my brother taught you to learn to talk, is it good?"

Xiaoyue Yao pouted, a pair of bright eyes lined with moonlight, flowing.

Youyou grabbed her little hand and taught it word by word, "Brother - brother -"

His speed was deliberately slow, his words were clear, and he was taught seriously.

Yueyao listened, perhaps because he was amused by the slow-moving speech, and he was amused, excitedly licking his calf and "giggle" to laugh.

"Giggle -"

Youyou was in a messy situation, and he repeated one side. "Yue Yao, called brother - brother -"


Xiaoyue Yao is excited again!

Youyou has a kind of powerless feeling!

Xiao Yuchen quickly comforted his emotions and said, "Youyou, don't worry about it! My sister is only six months old. When she teaches her to learn to speak, she is ahead of her own, and she doesn't know anything. She needs to be patient!" ”

Youyou listened, innocent and authentic, "My sister doesn't seem to understand me."

"You are so big, you can't understand what others are saying."


"Come on slowly!"

Xiao Yuchen smiled and said, "Must let my sister learn to call ‘brother’ first, suffocating and swearing!”

"Oh! Just!"

Yuyou remembered that when Yueyao first called "brother", Gongyi heard how he would be defeated, and he renewed his spirit!





In the end, Youyou taught that the scorpion is about to smoke, and I don’t know how this little smile can be so low, even laughing all the time.

"Sister is very funny!"

Xiao Yuchen discovered this problem. "From the time of birth, my sister doesn't seem to cry very much! When I am hungry, when I am not feeling well, when I was born, I heard Mommy say, my sister came out of my stomach. But it’s just a symbolic sigh..."

(End of this chapter)

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