Chapter 3085 Century Wedding 11

Youyou quickly picked up Xiaoyueyao and ran to the living room. Yunshishi was carefully sorting out the bouquet. Youyou held Xiaoyueya in front of Yunshishi, and he was so excited that he didn’t know!

"Mummy! Mommy! My sister is talking! And the first one will be called 'Brother'!"

Xiao Yuchen listened, and he came over with surprise. "Really? Really?"

Yun Shishi listened, but some did not agree, strangely said, "Yue Yao will not speak now! Youyou, have you got it wrong?"

Where can she not know this little guy, dreaming of wanting to listen to Yue Yao shouting "brother"!

Youyou hurriedly explained, "Mummy, my sister really called ‘brother’, I really heard it clearly! How could it be wrong?”

“No one taught her to call ‘brother’! Unprovoked, how could she call her ‘brother’?”

Yunshi Shishi only knows that Gongyi and Mu Yazhe have been secretly teaching Xiaoyueyao to shout "舅舅" and "爹地". These two big living treasures, like the race against the game, are vying for the hope of Yueyao. The first one shouted "舅舅" or "爹".

In particular, Mu Yazhe, in order to let Yue Yao open, what methods are used all over, even with Yue Yao's favorite toy to lure her, still can not open this small mouth.

That is no way to do it!

How old is Yueyao?

For more than five months, I can't talk in a coherent way. I can only use a few syllables to remind others of her emotions.

I have to wait six or seven months before I can learn to speak.

However, it is not excluded to open in advance.

You Youdao, "Mummy, really, I have been teaching my sister to call 'Brother' these days. Isn’t Mommy saying that I also started to learn to speak in advance? Is my sister more intelligent than me?"

He said that he was afraid that Yunshi poetry would not believe it. He gently pinched the little hand of Yueyao and followed the temptation. "Sister, Mommy doesn't believe you, you can tell Mommy, what did you call? of?"

Xiaoyue Yao, if he did not hear the words of Youyou, still carefully researched the red envelope in his hands!

Her little handcuffs pulled the red envelope, and they all split the red envelope, but they could play with it!

Yuyou tried to attract her attention, shook her little hand and said softly to her. "Sister, you just didn't call it very clearly? Why don't you call it now? Come, call Mommy, she Do not believe me! - 'Brother', sister, call 'Brother'..."

Xiaoyue Yao listened, and thought that he had such a long line of words, he wanted to play with the red envelope in her hand, so he immediately raised the red envelope in his hand and handed it to him generously.

Yu You was suddenly teased and laughed!

However, he still stressed that "Mummy, Yueyao really has a ‘brother’!”


Yun Shishi’s eyes bent and smiled. “Well, Mommy knows! Maybe it’s a sister’s call once, it’s a coincidence! Later, the Japanese side has a chance!”

Xiao Yuchen couldn't help but feel a little regret. I regret that I couldn't hear Yueyao being called "brother". However, according to what Mommy said, the Japanese side will continue!

Moreover, he also sees very open, even if it is not the first to learn to call "brother", it does not affect his love for his sister!

Xiaoyue Yao yawned gently, it seems to be a little sleepy!

Yun Shishi told the story, "Youyou, take your sister back to the room!"

(End of this chapter)

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