Chapter 3100 3249 Century Wedding 26

He looked at her, his lips were filled with smiles, and his eyes were sour!

He has experienced countless moving moments. For example, when Yue Yao was born, he wrapped a small group of small milk in his arms and felt a lot!

However, there is no moment, it can be more impact than now!

He whispered slightly, and once again, he walked over to her, deep eyes, hidden heat, and did not hide her deep appreciation for her. He walked up to her and gently covered her. Waist, lowering the voice, "Poetry, you want to kill me."

Yun Shi poetry listened, could not help but be ashamed, long eyelashes trembled slightly, once again greeted him, his face slightly blush.

He handed the bouquet to her, and she took the bouquet and grabbed the big palm of her lower back. She pressed it hard. He stared at her, bowed his head and sealed her lips.

Although the ceremonies have repeatedly stressed that if you want to kiss the bride, it is best to kiss on the forehead, so as not to kiss, get a lipstick, and stain the makeup.

But he is hard to control himself, he can't control it so much, and he doesn't care about so many guests watching the scene. So beautiful bride is standing in front of him, and he is expected to be able to care about those rules and regulations?

Yun Shishi was kissed. At first, she was somewhat shy because she was shy. However, she was not in control. She was unconscious and climbed his shoulder and responded to his kiss.

She seems to be unable to hear the buzz of the scene. At this moment, in this world, only this man, only her, can affect her emotions!

Everything is incomprehensible!

After a kiss, he looked at her awkward aunt, and finally smiled, and she also held his cheek, gently rubbing his fingertips to the wet corner of the corner of his eyes.

Two people on the forehead, looking at it with deep affection, it seems that without the complicated love words and oaths, the deep feelings are self-evident!

The so-called oaths are all step by step, but some feelings, not an oath, can be revealed!

She suddenly felt that those oaths and promises were really not that important!

Because she saw her future from his favorite eyes.

In the future life, you will be happy and complete!

No matter how rich or poor, he will protect her and live well.

Suddenly, he clung to her, his mouth, and he looked like a child's innocent arc.

"You finally belong to me!"

Under the witness of so many guests, this apical person finally belongs to him!

Under the witness of everyone, he carefully lifted her hand and put a beautiful pink diamond ring on her hand.

This diamond ring, the diamond is not big, perhaps only 50 feet, not that he can not afford expensive diamond ring, but Yun Shi Shi said that if the diamond ring of the big carat, she is often inconvenient to wear on the hand.

Before that, the diamond ring at the time of engagement was because the diamond was too big, and sometimes it was always inconvenient and had to be taken down.

In her mind, she does not need to rely on a ring to show her identity and wealth.

There is no need to deliberately show what.

And she did not particularly like the diamond ring of the big carat.

The diamond ring doesn't need to be too big. For her, the most meaningful thing is not that the bigger the diamond, the better, but the longer it takes to wear.

It is best to wear them with white hair, this diamond ring, still worn on her hand, never take off.

(End of this chapter)

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