Chapter 3109 3258 Honeymoon Travel 1

- You don't want your pro-daughter, like you hate your family, hate you?

You You finally couldn't help it. He stood in front of Yun Shi's poems and said to the palace. "I am really in love with Mommy! Mr. Gong, you will not really have the heart to break up the land and Mommy. Mommy, I’m looking for a slap in the face, and I’m also looking for a slap in the face! I don’t want to lose your land because of your intervention!”

Gong Shaoying coveted, his eyes fell on his body, his eyes were a little surprised!

Cold, he recognized this snowy jade cute little milk bag.

Before, the information collected by the men about Yunshi poetry, there are also news about these two children.

Gene, what a magical thing.

At the beginning, Mu Qingcheng added a pair of children to her, and her daughter actually added a lovely grandson to him!

At that time, he looked at the two photos and felt infinitely!

It turned out that he even had his grandson!

These two small milk bags are so cute, the skin is white and tender, the eyes are watery, and the eyebrows are faintly visible to the shadow of the city.

This is his two grandchildren!

One is Yun Tianyou, the other is Mu Yuchen!

Youyou looked at him. In front of such a powerful man, he did not have a bit of awe. He looked calm and looked at him with his head.

Xiao Xiaochen also looked at him slyly, knowing that this man is the father of Mommy, his grandfather!

However, how can you not feel close?

"Mr. Gong, please think about it! Is hatred so important? Is it important to sacrifice even Mommy's happiness?"

Gong Shaoying's lips were so powerful that she looked up and looked at Yun Shi's poems. Standing in front of him, the woman in front of her eyes was the daughter of his heart, but now her face is strange.

In the eyes, there is hostility, there are temptations, but more is retreat.

Why didn't she want to recognize him?

However, for him, why is she not holding hate? !

However, she said it is good!

At the beginning, if he could personally find the admiration of the city, perhaps, there would not be so many accidents!

There is no longer the heavens and the people.

She said it was good!

However, this does not mean that the feud between the two palaces will be written off!

So many years, he can't go out, not even she can go out in a few words!

Gong Shaoying looked at Mu Yazhe who stood in front of him. Such a young man is beautiful and handsome, and he is awesome!

It can be seen that this is an excellent man, even a man who is not inferior to himself!

He is savvy, such a man is absolutely able to protect her daughter, a happy life, but also can see that he is deeply affectionate to his daughter!

However, he could not convince himself to accept such a man and become his son-in-law!

Gong Shaoying's thoughts were extremely chaotic. He suddenly felt a little headache, and his head was awkward and mixed.

He suddenly turned around, took a deep breath, held his forehead, and left in despair.

Going away from the back, adding a bit of sorrow and desolate!

Miyazaki caught up and wanted to hold him. Gong Shaoying slowly pushed him away and said, "Let me... think about it!"


What else does he have to say.

Gong Shaoying raised his hand to stop him and sighed, "Nothing to say!"

For a time, Gong Yi was at a loss, and looked at him only and gradually drifted away.

(End of this chapter)

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