Chapter 3111 3260 Honeymoon Trip 3

Mu Yuchen’s heart is even more unfair!

On the one hand, he envied the talents of Yazhe. Even if he left Mui, he did not become nothing, and even gained brilliance, even before it was more than ever!

Looking at him again? !

He loves Meng Qingxue so much, and the marriage with Meng Qingxue is definitely not what he takes for granted!

Even after being the owner of the Mujia family?

He is not a sly, no matter how small, have to look at the eyes of Mu Linfeng? !

When Mu Yazhe brought the poems of Yun and poetry to the table, the whole table guests stood up with excitement. Only Mu Linfeng and Mu Yuchen were sitting in the same place, feeling sullen, a little embarrassed, more It’s awkward!

Look at Mu Yazhe, but it is a calm smile, can't you still hope to sip a glass of wine, you can smile and enmity?

When Mu Yazhe saw Mu Linfeng coming, she smiled and faintly said, "Two uncle, you are here."

His attitude is not arrogant, nor can he mention more respect. His respect for him is only limited to the claim of "two uncles"!

Mu Linfeng stood up with a glass of wine and glanced at her. She glanced at Yun Shi’s poem again and wanted to make a strong smile. In the end, she had to squeeze out a sly expression, not to laugh, nor to talk. Not laughing, people feel particularly awkward.


He said something like this, then he slammed the wine glass and drunk the wine!

I thought to myself, this kid is still giving face, knowing that he has not bypassed him!

Mu Yuchen saw Mu Linfeng stand up to toast, and also stood up reluctantly holding a glass of wine, not cold and cold, "Two brothers, I wish a happy wedding!"

The same is to drink the wine, two people silently seated, a word is not said.

In their eyes, Mu Yazhe's this time is undoubtedly Yaowu Yangwei!

In fact?

A man with a black belly is indeed a martial arts fan, asking them to come to the wedding, but also determined that these two people are in a situation that will not make trouble. If they are willing to come, they will give him this face.

Can admire Yazhe is not the purpose of simplicity, there are so many VIPs, there are many business partners, he also wants to let them see the strength of the current Shengyu Group.

Selfishness, but also hope that in the future, Mu's do not have any action to hit the stone with the egg, and he can't go!

"Two uncles, Yuchen, since you have come, I would also like to express my gratitude! In the past, and the unpleasant kinds of the Mujia, let it go with the wind!"

Mu Yazhe took another glass of wine and respected it.

Mu Linfeng twitched for a long time, and then he had to stand up and barely squeeze a smile.

"Yazhe, the first two uncles really did not misread you! You see the brilliant achievements you have made today, and the uncle is happy for you!"

Mu Yuchen was unwilling in his heart, but just stood up, Jiang Yan came over, his eyes fell on his body, filling his cup, however, not cold and cold, "Mu Erzi, today is We are very happy with the old days. Since it is rare to get together, we must eat and drink well!"

Mu Yanchen listened to this, it was like eating a fly and nausea.

Eat well?

He didn't spit it out and gave it to face!

This **** is really owing!

Mu Linfeng took a long time and suddenly said, "Yazhe, just right, rarely see you, there is something, I still want to discuss with you!"

"Today is my marriage, not to talk about business!"

(End of this chapter)

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