Chapter 3118 3268 Fengyun Mutation 1

Mu Yazhe and Yun Shi poetry went abroad for honeymoon. On the other hand, after Lu Yuyu and Jiang Yan finished the wedding, Miyazaki and Yusuke proposed that since Yueyao was taken care of, he planned to go back. Palace home.

Youyou listened. After a long silence, he suddenly said, "Hey, I am going back to the palace with you, can you?"



Youyou smiled and said faintly. "The last time I met my grandfather at the wedding, it was the identity of the grandson. This time, I returned to the palace as the core character of the Hurricane Group."

Miyazaki was surprised.

"The last time my father didn't notice your identity."

"That is to protect my identity very well."

Youyou smiled gracefully. "But I am worried that my grandfather will not be able to let go of hatred, and will not be able to cope with it. I am afraid that he will use his means to deal with the depression! By then, the scene may not be too embarrassing."

"So, do you want to go back and persuade him?"

Miyazaki's lips are "useless. Your grandfather is a stubborn man. Once a decision is made, no changes will be made."

"But, no decision has been made yet, isn't it?"

Youyou asked, "If you made a decision, you have already dealt with the land!"

Gong Gong twisted the eyebrows.

Yu You in the Hurricane Group, his identity has always been mysterious. Earlier, he was in the first place. With a drawing, the core members of the "Tianyan" project inadvertently discovered the design drawings originally used to make toys. Can be used for the development of weapons.

Even more shocking is that he broke into the dark network of the Hurricane Group.

The so-called dark network, as the name suggests, is the dark network black market.

The world is shrouded in the Internet. On the surface, however, those online media have a very wide coverage. In fact, in addition to these, there are still dark networks.

Small to dupin gun trade, large to human trafficking, buy xiong murder, no wonder, omnipotent.

These dark nets, also called deep nets, as the name suggests, are deep networks that are not discovered by the public.

Usually, people who post, microblogging, major media sites, are surface networks.

The deep network is not only the webpage that is not searched by the regular search engine, but the IP address is hidden.

If the Internet world is described as an iceberg, then the pages that are usually touched are just the tip of the iceberg. The remaining 90% are hidden in the deep sea. Most people will not be exposed for a lifetime.

The number of domain names in the dark network is more than a thousand times more than the surface network.

The first layer is the shallowest, and can be accessed through a specific browser. The content is some gambling du, and some unintelligible content.

The second level is not very good. It can only be entered through a specific way of invitation. There are various evil forces and terrorist organizations.

On the third floor, very few people have explored it. It is said that there are hidden state secret documents that do not see light.

Youyou was accidentally informed that there is still a dark net in this world.

He undoubtedly entered a string of domain names, just the domain name, is a dark network of human trafficking, the network, hanging photos of different races, as well as the price of different organs.

He probably learned that this dark net is nothing more than illegal trade, human trafficking, organ smuggling, and anything that can't be seen, or even extremely cruel and perverted, is displayed in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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