Chapter 3131 Chapter 3281 Fengyun Mutation 14

You must know that this group of troops. The fire has not been transported halfway yet. A large number of goods are still on the freighter. Where else do you need to search? As long as they wander around in a leisurely way, they will find evidence of death and death in a short time!

This is really... there is no way to go!

This snow fox, it is really a ghost!

At the headquarters in New York, this woman seems to be particularly attentive to the military.

I used to spend half a month's time and energy, chasing Russia from the United States all the way, and chasing him for more than half a month at sea!

In order to get rid of her, Dimon took a dozen days and nights on the sea road, but after all, she was unable to get rid of her!

At last, she saw that she was going to catch up with the man. When she was forced to do so, she threw a large number of troops and fires into the sea with tears in tears, which managed to escape his pursuit!

I remembered that time...calling, I still remember that Dimon’s liver still trembled, and my heart was bleeding.

Oh shit!

A few tons of goods, a group of hundreds of millions of troops. Fire list, just to hide this little fox, all to the sea to feed the sharks!

When he went to the appointment, he was almost stunned by the employer in a rage!

I thought that at that time, Dimon was just biting his teeth and hating the snow fox into the bones!

Seeing it now, I can’t wait to put a sack on her head and throw the head of the sea to feed the shark!

This is the so-called enemy meeting, extraordinarily jealous.

I have to say that this snow fox, the perseverance of treating criminals is really not a firm!

He immediately turned pale, and looked at the snow fox with trepidation. She saw her standing still in the same place, her hands squatting around her chest, a look of stunned, a pair of sharp eyes staring at it. The body of the palace.

It’s just that look, how to see how fierce, like a knife like a bone.

Jack took a leisurely look around, and Yu Guang suddenly saw the frowning palace standing on one side, walked in front of him with great interest, smiled, looked down at him, raised his eyebrows, cold and cold. Authentic: "Miyazaki, you have today. You know, in order to hunt you, we tracked you how many days and nights at sea! This time, finally let us catch you. Let us go back to the headquarters to have tea."

Miyazaki jerked his head up, his eyes staring at him for a long while, and his lips slammed into a hook. This slowly replied in a very standard English saying: "Sir, what crime I committed, you want to arrest me." ?"

"You go by you. Private. Army. Fire!"

"Oh? Then you have to come up with evidence."

Jack’s smile was stiff at the corner of his mouth. He stared at the palace for a long while, screaming and gnashing his teeth. “You really don’t see the coffin and not cry.”

"You too, don't see the Yellow River and don't give up."

What Jack had just said, his husband suddenly heard the announcement, saying that most warehouses could not be opened.

After listening to the snow fox, he immediately said to the palace, "Tell your men to open the warehouse!"

Miyazaki turned around carelessly, looked at her and asked gracefully, "Do you have a search warrant?"

Snow fox has a time to plug.


Miyazaki suddenly laughed out loud.

"No, you dare to search my ship?"

Miyazaki asked the voice, "Who gave you permission?"

The snow fox's expression was slightly distorted.

I mentioned it before, the hurricane eight male gods, um, do you still remember? I will be playing soon.

(End of this chapter)

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