Chapter 3133 Chapter 3283 Fengyun Mutation 16

Miyazaki smiled slightly, and casually picked up a desert eagle from the box, and measured a few times in his hand. He played a few laps, and the smiling light flashed a glance at someone who was unspoken. The face is light and windy: "These are just toys. Are you sure you want to arrest me because of a bunch of legitimate cargo toys?"


When he said this in a cloud, he only felt that the cabin was dead, and everyone except Youyou was stiff and had no expression on his face.

This time, but it is the turn of Jack's face to turn green.

toy? !

These genuine guns have been said by his hard-fought - realistic simulation toys?

This is an international joke!

Everyone is equal to petrochemicals.

Snow Fox sneered, "Miyazaki, these are toys, you don't have to waste everyone's time."

The police officer under the police wiped the pistol for him respectfully and handed it to her. His eyes were very sincere: "Sir! This is definitely not a toy! This is definitely a real shot! Please ask the officer to immediately issue an arrest order!"

Miyazaki smiles back to the head and plays with a pistol. The movement is elegant but careless. The tone is faint and authentic: "I said this is a toy, a toy. Or, take a try?"

The black pressure of the muzzle on the eyebrows of the snow fox, everyone suddenly nervous, and raised their pistols, aimed at the palace.

As if he had pulled the trigger, the next second, they would shoot him!

Gong Gong hooked the lip, pulled the trigger, but heard the "砰" got a sound, there was no bullet shot, only a laser red line, accurate and unmistakable radiation in her eyebrows.

The snow fox smashed, some accidents.

This gun...

It is not true! ?

Miyazaki took back the pistol, and Jack looked straight at the eyes. He went to the front of the box and picked up a desert eagle. He pulled the trigger against the deck, but he heard a bang, and the laser light flashed for a while. .

Is it really a simulation gun? !

Jack's face is shocking!

These are toys, there is no lethality at all!

No wonder he dares to open the door and let them search, no fear at all!

What Snow Fox thought of again, went to the front of Dimon's truck, opened the door, and found a few toys from the inside, carefully looked at it, although the shape is very similar, however, it is not a real gun!

She was counted.

Could it be that he had already known that they tracked all the way, so these toy guns in front of them are all blind eyes? !

Dimon’s heart is even more shocking. Could it be that this kid has long known that Interpol has tracked it down? Therefore, Rao is a trading cargo. He uses toy guns to deliberately use it as a blind eye.

The snow fox complexion was complicated. She threw the gun back into the box and returned to the palace. She grabbed his collar and pulled him to the front. He stared at him and gnashed his teeth. "You are playing me." ?!" Gong Wei smiled, "How dare?"

Snow Fox whispered, "Open the other warehouses!"

"Sir, unless there is a search warrant, I have the right to refuse your unreasonable request!" Gong Yu interrupted him undoubtedly, but the smile on his lips was unclear. "Otherwise, sir, you are Violation of human rights."

"Is it a search warrant?"

Snow Fox sneered, took out the satellite phone, went to the side, dialed the headquarters landline.

(End of this chapter)

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