Chapter 3136 3286 Storm Mutation 19

However, even if it relies on many battlefields, the Hurricane Group has taken a big break and it is inevitable that it will violate the interests of other countries.

It should be known that the Hurricane Group has more than once intercepted the military and super-powers of the M countries and other superpowers. According to each business, it is an order worth billions of dollars, which can be accumulated to buy a country.

Therefore, the Hurricane Group has also been blacklisted by many countries.

At one time, many countries joined forces to restrict the hurricane and signed the "National Missile Non-Proliferation Treaty."

Many weapons have been developed above and cannot be sold.

Moreover, they agreed to block the Hurricane Group and refused to trade with Hurricane Group.

The military. Fire is a profitable business. Five times more profits are not unusual, but the market is also very limited. Many developed countries have their own military factories. In terms of JUN team, the procurement is limited to domestic military factories, while poor countries do not. Money can't afford it, and it doesn't play.

In most war-torn countries, poverty is forced, so the main market is concentrated in developing countries.

For example, ranked second, listed only under the Hurricane Group, the Locke Martin Group, behind him is the background of M National Government FU, its best-selling products are F-22 and Boeing 747, its main market is domestic, but The M Army is a global J team.

Such a group, the real big boss behind, is M Guozhenfu.

In such a profitable industry, most countries will not allow private groups to take this cup.

Moreover, if the civil society is in possession of weapons manufacturing, then, for the political.QUAN, is it not the biggest threat? !

At the beginning, Hurricane Group’s first barrel of gold was made in Africa. Gong Shaoying took a group of African orders, but Africa was poor and unable to pay high weapons costs. However, Africa’s mineral and oil storage is extremely rich.

As a condition, the President obtained a long-term deal with the Hurricane Group in exchange for ten years of oil exploration rights.

The profit of oil is absolutely impressive!

In addition, the palace was originally a maritime empire, so with this order, the palace has gained more than ten times the total value of the order.

Next, he focused on the Middle East, stepping through the market step by step, and vigorously developing more advanced weapons, so that until later, he became the overlord of status and could finally stand firm in this highly competitive market.

Moreover, Gong Shaoying is a very savvy businessman who knows that the market is limited, so he wins by volume.

The same grenade, Rock Martin sells $5 and he sells $3.

Do not seem to go to 2 dollars, the purchase in bulk, is a small expense.

Small profits but quick turnover has attracted the purchase of fill-in-the-shelf warehouses in countless countries.

In order to compete with the Hurricane Group, Lockham Martin also suppressed the price and finally found that the same $3 is still a good sales target for the Hurricane Group.

Many of the weapons produced by Locke Martin are not only complex but also limited in power;

However, the weapons produced by the Hurricane Group are simple to use and have advantages in handling. Whether it is range, fire control or human-machine effect, they have great advantages.

In terms of power, Lockham Martin's weapons are relatively backward, so even if the price is the same, there is not much advantage in most countries.

The strong financial resources of the Hurricane Group are not mainly based on the military.

(End of this chapter)

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