Chapter 3139 3289 Fengyun mutation 22

The freighter stopped slowly.

Gong Gong got off the boat, but saw Youyou standing in the port and looking at the castle in the distance, it was difficult to take a step.

Maybe some of the meaning of the neighborhood?

In short, I really set foot on this land. For a time, he did not know how to approach it.

Miyazaki looked back at him and saw that he was in the same place, motionless, and he was at a loss, and he could not laugh.

"What? Fear to see your grandfather?"

Youyou returned to God and hooked his lips. "How can you not be afraid? In the rumor, Gong Shaoying is in a high position and is a hot resort. Even such a prominent figure, even if it is my grandfather, will be afraid."

"You will be scared?"

Miyazaki didn't take it for granted. "My little nephew is not afraid of fear, how can I really fear my grandfather?"

He walked over and held him in his arms and scraped his nose. "Don't worry, it's okay."

Youyou finally revealed his fears. "Hey, what if the grandfather really doesn't accept the depression?"

"And I am."

Gong Gongdao, "Speaking, you haven't seen your face in the ‘EITS’ special group.”

EITS, the abbreviation of Tianyan English.

The Sky Eye Project has a special special group. Among them, including him, the team has gathered almost all the world's first-class brains, masters of cutting-edge research and technology, and the elites in various fields are the treasures of the Hurricane Group.

Youyou only dealt with them on the Internet, and the most impressive ones were the chief designers in the special group.

"Are they also in the Hurricane Group?"

"Of course. Except for you, all the staff of the EITS' team are stationed at the headquarters."

Gong Gong said again, "I will take you to meet them."

"it is good."

The vast islands are divided into five major layouts. Among them, the palace's palace is located at the center, and the other four are the medical center, the research center, the Hurricane Group headquarters, and the Tianyan special group.

The island is covered by an invisible and huge protective net. This protective information network, in addition to intercepting missiles, is an invisible net. The place covered by the net, even the precise radar, is difficult to locate.

In addition, once an outsider invades, the entire island will also initiate a protective mechanism.

Although it is an island, however, don't underestimate this island. It was once an important strategic fortress of M. Now it is taken over by the hurricane, and it is difficult for anyone to get closer.

It is about half an hour's drive from the special group's branch, until the car is parked in front of a magnificent building. Yuyou gets off the bus and is surprised to see the magnificent building in front of him. .

"So mad!"

When Miyazaki saw his stunned appearance, he suddenly felt very cute. He was so excited that he licked his pink and tender face. "I like you so much that you have never seen the world."

"what the hell?!"

Youyou unpleasantly patted his big palm and protested, "What hasn't seen the world before??"

"Okay. Go in!"

Gong Gong said again, "I am quite curious. What the members of the group will see when they see you."

"What do you mean?"

"Some people, until now, don't believe it, you are really only seven years old."

Youyou, "..."

What is unacceptable?

Miyazaki is in front of him, mysteriously. "Do you know that among the group members, the youngest doctor with the highest degree is a few years old?"

(End of this chapter)

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