Chapter 3142 Chapter 3292 Fengyun Mutation 25

It is not that he does not want to treat the blessings like the Internet. The main thing is that when you are online, the words and tone of Yuyou are like a mature adult man.

However, until he saw standing in front of him, the soft and cute little guy, it is difficult for him to communicate with him in the adult world by means of communication between adults.

The initial impression was too ingrained.

He is a child, an eight-year-old child. Although he is deeply savvy, this child has an amazing mind, but it is difficult to get along with him in an over-mature way.

This child, despite wearing a cute and pink face, wearing a pair of trousers, and taking off a little gentleman, can look so mature, between the eyebrows, there is no childishness of the same age, but some It is extremely calm and powerful.

His gas field is very powerful!

This is the first deep impression of Golan looking at this child!

Youyou gave him a cold look.

Gloria suddenly said, "Okay, no trouble."

He regained his serious look and looked at the palace. "Is this time back, is it safe?"

"Not safe."


Gong Yidao, "The people who were blocked by Interpol on the road were almost invited back to the ICPO headquarters to drink tea."

"Is that snow fox?"



Golan’s face suddenly became gloomy. “That woman is really a ghost.”

Miyazaki noodles, "The team of the Alpha team that she served in, except her, which one is not killed by my mercenary group. She is naturally obsessed with me, hate it."

"The results of it?"

"She didn't have a search warrant, she couldn't find solid evidence, and she went back."

Gullen smiled. "You should have discovered her traces long ago, so deliberately put her together."

"ICPO is now in a political and turbulent position. The police station chief is in that position. Everyone wants to sit up, the power is divided, and the rights are spread out. So even if I take my back to the headquarters, at the end, don't think about me."

Gong Gong looked at Alice, "What about his father?"

"Boss? The boss left a while ago and has not returned yet."

When Gong Shaoying left some time ago, it was for the wedding of Yunshi poetry. He knew the wedding of Yun Shishi, and he should have gone.

In this case, he did not tell anyone that one morning, with a mercenary team, he left the island.

Until now, it has not come back.

"Not yet back?"

Miyazaki has some accidents and is worried.

Yu You and the palace looked at each other, some awkward, he did not expect that Gong Shaoying is not on the island.

He is no longer on the island, where will he go?

Miyazaki is somewhat worried. Because of her sister's wedding, my father seems to have suffered a lot, and I don't know where he went. Is there any danger?

Alice said, "Reassured, the boss has nothing to do. I received a message yesterday and the boss went to the Middle East."

Miyazaki wondered, "What does he go to the Middle East?"

"This time, in the Middle East, there is a constant war, there is an order, and negotiations are needed."

Golan said again, "If you are not there, the boss will go out in person."

"So, when will he come back?"

"I don't know. He didn't tell us the exact time. However, I have already sent a small team to protect him. Hey, you don't have to worry."

Gong Gong nodded.

(End of this chapter)

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