Chapter 3144 3294 Fengyun mutation 27

The resistance of seawater is so great that it is not as flexible as walking on land.

Yun Shishi is still the first time to sneak into the water, so the strange environment and feelings will make people feel very nervous.

However, once I get used to it, I feel very exciting, and there are many mysterious areas waiting for her to explore.

The coach said, "70% of the surface of the earth is ocean, so if you master diving, you can get involved in places that most people can't reach in their lifetime."

This is an unspeakable sense of accomplishment.

This water area is not deep, and under six meters, it is faintly visible to the bottom of the sea.

Mu Yazhe took her hand and took her to the bottom of the sea. It was a beautiful suffocating coral!

Colorful, some, is the shape of the hydrangea, and some are the shape of the branches, along with the sea, constantly swaying and swinging, beautiful and unusual.

A group of sea fish swam in groups, but it is also unclear. This is what fish, but it is very beautiful.

Everything is so amazing!

Until she returned to the shore, she still felt undecided and wanted to play again, but she was not allowed.

However, for beginners, the first time they go into the water, it can't be too long, otherwise the physical quality can't keep up.

Yun Shishi suddenly found out that the world, what she knows, sees, knows, knows very little!

Relatively speaking, Mu Yazhe is more knowledgeable and has seen this vast world.

Rich experience, how can she not catch up!

In the evening, run out of dinner.

Yun Shishi leans on the balcony and stands in her view, just to see the beautiful seascape at night!

In the evening, the moonlight shines on the sea, sparkling, and on the sea level, some microbes float on the surface of the sea, emitting light that is as beautiful as a star.

Mu Yazhe embraced her from behind, and her lower jaw gently put her on her shoulder and said softly, "What are you thinking?"

"Look at the sea."

Yun Shishi expresses his heartfelt feelings, "It's beautiful!"

She is obsessed with the scenery she sees, but she doesn't know the man behind her. Isn't she obsessed with the scenery she sees?

His big palm gently plunged into the hem, and the fire was not over.

She grabbed his wrist, but he was not satisfied with her interference, holding her waist, forcing her to turn around and face him.

A man groaned and asked the geological question. "The scenery is so beautiful?"

"Of course!"

Yun Shishi laughed. "Husband, do you know? I have never seen such a beautiful seascape in my life!"

The beautiful scenery will really make people feel open-minded, and they will be moved. They will also sigh at the beauty of life and be able to see such beautiful scenery.

Mu Yazhe resisted her forehead, gently licked her lips and looked at her lips, but said, "In these two days, I see you are going crazy!"

“It’s rare to have a world of two people, and I rarely have the chance to see so much beauty!”

After a pause, Yun Shi poetry slammed the lips. "I thought that I might never see it again in my life."

Therefore, she is more grateful to Mu Yazhe!

I am grateful to this man, give her a new life, and let her see such beautiful scenery again!

"Speaking something stupid."

Mu Yazhe kissed her forehead and was not pleased. "I will not say this stupidity in the future. Madam, I promise you, will bring you to see the wider world."

(End of this chapter)

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