Chapter 3219 Nirvana Rebirth 3

The diver said, "The body was tied with a chain and it was full of flesh and blood, but by identification, it was probably confirmed that it was Ditto Lisbon. A brief inspection found that he was tied with explosives, so the cause of the accident could be determined. ”


"Well! Human bomb."

"..." Gong Yi hated to gnash his teeth!

This old tycoon is actually going to die with people!

Before the oxygen in the oxygen cylinder was consumed, Mu Yazhe returned to the shore. He took off the goggles and went back to the sea. He was not willing to bite his lips!

He searched for two hours, did not stop, in the cold sea, almost exhausted all physical strength.

He ate a bit of compressed biscuits that added energy, changed his oxygen cylinder, and prepared to re-water.

Miyazaki stopped him.

"Are you crazy? In the sea, unlike on land, your physical exertion is several times. Don't be too reluctant!"

Mu Yazhe turned and looked at him, word by word. "You are not sure about life and death now. Do you want me to stay on the shore and do nothing? I can't do it."

"At least, it's time to rest for a while!"

Gong Gong said again, "If you consume too much physical strength, it is very dangerous."

"I have a measure!"

What the palace still wants to say, Mu Yazhe turned around and left quickly.

Every minute and every second is precious to him.

The salvage operation lasted for five hours, but after all, there was no news. From the golden rescue period, a little bit of past, the hope of surviving, gradually became more and more embarrassing!

Several bodies were recovered in succession, but in addition to the bodies of the three mercenaries, the pilot and Yu You still had no news.

For a time, I felt embarrassed.

In such a short period of time, people can't fall too far, and they won't be too far away from the waves at the bottom of the sea.

Miyazaki has blocked the sea in the fastest time. Basically, Yu You will only be in this sea area, how can he not catch it.

In the reclaimed sea, people can't sink because the sea is buoyant. Three hundred meters is already deep. People can't sink to a few kilometers in a short time.

That is incredible.

Where will people go?

Gong Yi is also anxious and worried. Suddenly, he is caught off guard.

The poetry of the cloud is on the verge of collapse. She is on the boat, even if she is exhausted, she does not dare to blink.

Worried that once you open your eyes, the whole world will turn upside down!

The longer the time has passed, the more she has no news, the more she blames herself.

If it weren't for her, Yuyou would not be in such danger!

She is really a failure!

In case of any danger, I need two sons to save.

She also knows how to protect another identity.

She did not expect that Youyou would be related to the Hurricane Group, but did not know that Youyou was one of the core figures of the Hurricane Group.

She originally thought that Yuyou had a toy company and was now handed over to Li Hanlin, but he did not expect that he had a deeper identity!

She didn't know much, and she didn't care about it, but she also knew that the culprits who tied her this time, Dietrich, was directed at Yuyou!

Dietrich and the Hurricane Group have deep grievances, so even if they die, he vows to pull the blessing into hell!

If she knew it, she knew it...

But not so much early to know!

She was kept in the dark all the time.

Because she is too weak, Yuyou is bent on protecting her, she is isolated.

(End of this chapter)

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