Chapter 3222 Nirvana Rebirth 6

"But... If the child is conscious of recovery, he has to go back to his mother. With him so smart, if he wants to leave, no one can stop it."

Alice said so.

Gong Shaoying heard the words, but smiled coldly and turned around, slowly glanced at her.

"Alice, you should know what this child means to me!"

Alice nodded and smiled. "This child is your grandson and your dear! It is very important for you! More importantly, this child is a gifted person and is also the core figure of the 'Eye of the Eyes' program. ”

However, with the stubborn character of Gong Shaoying, it is impossible to accept Mu Yazhe.

After so many years, Gong Shaoying’s hate for the Mu family has never been seen, and it’s not a word and a sentence. It can be easily disintegrated!

However, Yuyou also clearly stated his position.

He stood on the side of Mujazhe. If Gong Shaoying could not accept Mu Yazhe, he would not have admitted the grandfather Gong Xiaoying.

This makes Gong Shaoying very sad.

More than a decade ago, Mu Jia took away his love. Today, Mu Yazhe is occupying his daughter and grandson.

He also mentioned with Miyazaki, even if Yun Shishi is away from Mu Yazhe, it is not nothing.

Hurricane Group has so far dominated the army. Half of the fire, the palace family is big, the area is a Mujazhe, and a sacred group, he is not in the eye!

However, the father and son are connected.

Yuyou’s dependence on Mujazhe is not just a pure father-son relationship.

He agrees with this man, enough to be the basis of Mommy's life.

Therefore, he admits that he is also well maintained.

Gong Shaoying is very unwilling to see.

Gong Shaoying sneered, "If you know, then you should know, what to do!"

Alice said in a word.

Gong Shaoying walked slowly to her and said meaningfully, "It is said that you used to be a hypnotist and an authority in the field of hypnotism."

Alice’s eyes shook and looked at him incredulously.

Gong Shaoying is faintly authentic. "I remember that you used a deep hypnosis technique to permanently seal up a part of the memory of a test article."


Alice nodded heavily. "If you use deep hypnosis, you can indeed achieve the means of storing memory. But must you do this?"

Her doubts made Gong Shaoying faint and unhappy. "Alice, don't forget your position."


"You are my grandson and my flesh, I will not harm him!"

Gong Shaoying measured his body and his eyes fell on the operating table. He was quiet like a sleeping child. His eyes showed a kind of love that could not be concealed. "I don't want to do this because I have no choice but to do it!"

He suddenly turned around and gritted his teeth. "I don't want to do this! But, what can I do?! I can't watch this child return to the man! He has enough! I absolutely can't allow it." He will take it away!"

Alice couldn't help but want to refute it. Yuyou is the accompaniment of Mu Yazhe. He is the son of his beloved. If you do this, it is equally cruel to both You You and Mu Yazhe!

However, she did not have the courage to speak!

After careful consideration for a long time, she finally nodded and couldn't speak. "I know what to do."

"it is good."

Gong Shaoying left a sentence, "I hope you don't let me down!"

(End of this chapter)

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