Chapter 3226 Nirvana rebirth 10

So tired, it seems like sitting in a deep nightmare, stunned, dreaming of many strangers.

The child stood up and shook his body and looked around.

In the medical center, the crowd came back and forth.

The cold light shone on him and I couldn't feel the warmth.

He was dressed in a white smock, and his placket was slightly exposed, and it was covered with thin slices that detected heartbeat and pulse.

Alice came over and smiled at him. "Vatican, are you awake?"


He slowly sat up, held his forehead, and exhausted. "It seems like a long nightmare."

Alice smiled. "A nightmare? What kind of nightmare?"

His eyes narrowed and he smiled. "Someone called my name, but that is not my name."



He read these two words numbly, and his face was empty.

He heard that someone called his name, called Youyou...

The irony is that he also dreamed of a woman.

He kept following the woman's back, but the woman did not return.

He has forgotten that the face of the woman in the dream is not clear.

Alice groaned and thought in her heart that she had already passed through deep hypnosis, and that many memories had been sealed. However, the name "You You" was still deeply remembered.

It seems that it takes a little time to completely seal up his memory.

Alice gently hugged him, softly, "Miyah Man, just a nightmare, wake up, forget it!"



When Gong Shaoying came in, You You was lying on the operating bed, in a deep coma, only to accept the sixth degree of hypnosis, the tender face, cold sweats, his eyelids trembled sharply, suddenly, a line of tears slowly The ground blew down and drenched the horns.

Gong Shaoying walked over and looked at him. Even in the deep coma, the fragility and helplessness on his face were still very obvious.

For him, this may be a nightmare.

However, in fact, his memory is being sealed in the depths.

Usually, there are not many opportunities to use this method. In most cases, when only some mercenaries are retired, Alice will choose to store these people in all relevant memories of the Hurricane Group before releasing them.

However, in the case of a small number of mercenaries from the Hurricane Group, they chose to retire.

Gong Shaoying asked, "Is his memory all sealed up?"

"You still need to look carefully."

Alice sighed. "This is an extremely painful process."

"..." Gong Shaoying suddenly did not say a word.

After a long time, he suddenly asked distressedly, "How painful?"

"This child is extremely attached to the memory of Yun Shishi and Mu Yazhe. At first, he was very resistant, so at first, the first hypnosis failed."


Gong Shaoying has a profound meaning. "This word is hard to come out of your mouth."

Alice is embarrassed and helpless. "He rejects the new term 'gongfan'. I rehearsed him a new memory. He did not accept it. He resisted it until he was hypnotized for the third time."

A senior hypnotist, Ai Alice, if using deep hypnotism, can replace the old memories with new memories.

Gong Shaoying named him "Gong Fan".

(End of this chapter)

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