Chapter 3236 Nirvana Reborn 21


Xiao Yuchen clearly heard it clearly, and suddenly he was full of enthusiasm. He immediately hugged Xiaoyue Yao and happily squatted in his arms and gently rubbed on her pink face.

"Yue Yao, you must have recognized this is a blessing, right?"

Xiaoyue Yao is in his arms, his eyes are curiously looking at the amethyst necklace, and the two little hands are constantly playing.

Children are extremely limited in memory.

The things she can remember are very limited.

However, Yueyao is a very spiritual child.

When Yu You was there, I liked to stay with her, and I was very familiar with You.

Sometimes, when Yueyao is awake, as long as Yuyou pushes the door open, Yueyao hears his footsteps, and he can sharply distinguish who is the person. Sometimes, when he smells the aroma of Youyou, he is excited. The ground picks up the calf!

Yueyao still can't talk, and his thinking ability is limited.

Therefore, who is the favorite of Yueyao, it is difficult to say.

Everyone said that Yue Yao likes himself the most.

However, in fact, Yue Yao is most excited when Yu You is close.

For Yuyou, Yueyao is also very familiar with it. Therefore, at a glance, I saw the amethyst pendant between the necks of Xiaoyan Chen. The little guy is smart. I know that this is the thing of Youyou, and I am excited to dance.

However, she seems to recognize Xiao Xiaochen as a blessing. After all, the two little guys look so much, and Yueyao is so small. Therefore, the little guy was not even ignorant of Xiao Yuchen, but I saw the necklace between his neck and was excited.

"Brother... brother...^^"

Xiao Yuchen couldn't help but get wet. He clung to Yueyao tightly. He was awakened from the nightmare and exhausted. However, because of her words, she couldn't help but burst into tears.


Xiaoyue Yao did not understand his tears, and fiddled with amethyst, seemed to love it.

She did not understand the grief and heartache of Mu Chenchen, and could not read the things in his tears, and was attracted by the amethyst.

Xiao Yuchen saw her so much, then she returned to the room and split the amethyst.

A total of two, he made two, back to the baby room, will be a good anklet, for Xiaoyue Yao tied to the ankle.

"You are one, I am one."

Xiao Yuchen fingered the amethyst pendant and smiled at her. "However, it is not allowed to lose it! This is the amulet that Youyou gave us!"

Xiaoyueyao held a small scorpion. For a time, the center of gravity was unstable, and she fell to the bed. Xiaoxun was amused, smiled and laughed, and her tears did not dry up.

The little guy will finally speak, even though the first word of the opening is not "squatting" or "mummy", but "brother", which makes people laugh and cry!

If you are blessed, will you be proud of it?

He dreamed that he would listen to Xiaoyue Yao as a "brother."

However, he did not mention it with Yun Shishi, only worried that Mommy would think of people.


The salvage work is still proceeding in an orderly manner.

Miyaji has dispatched two patrol ships, which have a large lineup and almost affected the hub of the sea route.

However, half a month has passed and no one has fallen.

Yun Shishi is not willing to give up even a trace of opportunity. In addition to the time of sleep, she almost waited for news on the boat, but half a month passed and did not wait for any news.

(End of this chapter)

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