Chapter 3256, Adding to the Scenery 16

As he passed by, the other parents were all looking at each other and were surprised to see the man walking towards the school gate.

It is not because of the handsome appearance of the handsome, but also because of the momentum that he carries around him, it is inviolable, and there is a kind of innocence.

"God... is this man also a parent? It’s so handsome! It’s a star face...”

"No? It’s so young, I can’t see it like being a father’s age!”

"...and, have you discovered that he looks like a star!"

"I remember it! Is the star called Gu Xingze? After you mention it, I found it! It is very similar! However, the temperament does not seem to be the same..."

"People are more popular than people! The same child is in the middle of work, look at my family, the big belly is out..."


A group of people looked at Gu Jinglian's back and whispered, and there were many discussions.

Chu He stunned and followed up nervously.

At the school gate, there are crowds of people.

Gu Jinglian held Xiaobao and did not let Xiaobao down until she entered the school gate.

At this point, the parents in the corridors were in a hurry and followed the children to their respective classes.

Xiaobao is in the first classroom on the third floor. The class is assigned according to the name of the flower. He is in the sunflower class, meaning the son of light, the pride of the sky.

Along the way, because of the crowds, it is inevitable that a little time will be delayed.

After Gu Jinglian and Chu He followed Xiao Bao, they walked to the door of the class. Xiao Bao passed through the window and saw that most of the parents had already taken their seats.

He seems to have some late!

Gu Jinglian saw him standing in the classroom, hesitating to refuse to enter, twisting his eyebrows, "What?"

"We seem to be late for Yeah."

Xiao Baozhen is authentic.

"Is it too late to go in?" Chu He whispered, this guy, sometimes stupidly angry!

Xiaobao nodded and ran to the classroom, stood at the door, pinched his clothes and twisted his tongue. "Teacher, good morning..."

When the voice just fell, he was scared by the front of the crowd!

I saw a group of people in the big classroom.

Except for him, the parents of the children have arrived and are already seated.

There are four rows of tables and chairs in the classroom, seven rows, each table with two seats, the children sitting in the seat, the parents sitting next to each other, forming a small triangle.

However, it is somewhat interesting that the seat is very short because it is the middle class.

For the children, this is just right, but for many parents, it is too narrow and short, not to mention the height of Gu Jinglian.

Xiaopengdu saw him at a glance, and suddenly got up and proudly said, "Xiaobao, you are here! Your mom and dad!?"

He looks like he is waiting to see his jokes!

Xiaobao looked to his side and saw a man wearing a suit, dressed very formal, and even his hair was carefully combed. He sat next to Xiaopangdun, still young and handsome, and set off by other parents. It is indeed the one that excels.

When Fang Cai’s father entered the classroom, he also caused a lot of embarrassment!

Undoubtedly because of the parents of so many children, Xiaopangdun’s father really looks so handsome!

Many little girls met and couldn't help but blush!

(End of this chapter)

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