Chapter 3259, Adding to the Scenery 19

But a look, scared the man immediately retracted his gaze.

Gu Jinglian took a parent's handbook on the table and looked at it casually.

The parents around him noticed his fingers, long and fair, more beautiful than women's hands, long, like jade carving.

He looked at the page's posture, it was so elegant, a straight suit, temperament is precious, at first glance, this man, so educated, this temperament, must be a nobleman!

For a time, many children's mother looked at Chu He's eyes, and a little more envy!

On the podium, Teacher Xue is still eloquent. "First of all, I sincerely thank you for your understanding and support of our work. I am very glad that parents can take your precious time and come to our campus to participate in this parent meeting. Next, let our parents introduce themselves to the children? In the form of a train..."

In the order of the seats, parents began to introduce themselves one after another.

When it was the turn of Xiaopeng, the father of Nohan stood up and looked around. He took care of the dress and deliberately showed the demeanor of everyone. He said with a smile, "My parents are good, I am Nohan's father, Li Xianlai. This is His mother, Lin Yuhan, the name of Nuohan, as the name suggests, is to give my wife a lifetime commitment. Our family may not be naughty, but also blame me, usually manage several companies, have no skills, and are not strict with him. I am also very grateful to Teacher Xue for taking care of Nohan. I am very grateful to the other children in the class for their tolerance to our house, thank you!"

He did not know whether it was deliberate or unintentional. He seemed to be interested in mentioning his identity. It was also to emphasize that Nohan was born noble and could not be bullied!

In the aristocratic kindergarten, the children in the class are also divided into three or six.

The children who can enter this kindergarten are mostly rich and expensive, but they are also in different levels.

Some families are rich, others are only middle-class families.

Therefore, in the class, the children who are better at home, usually in the eyes of the teacher, have special care!

And if the child's family background is particularly good, through the parent meeting, after returning, these parents will also take care of their children, do not bully this child.

The parent meeting is not so simple, parents gather together, naturally it is also a disguised family life competition, look at the luxury cars at the school gate to know.

Some parents have no luxury cars at home, and even go to rent a car to support the scene.

For people to face, sometimes it is often unscrupulous!

At the parent meeting, this has become a secret to each other.

When Nohan dad introduced himself, Yu Guangshi turned to Gu Jinglian from time to time, but he saw his head down and looked at the parent handbook. It didn't seem to put his words especially in his heart.

Li Xianlai knew clearly that Nuohan was crying and asking him to participate, in order to gamble with another child.

As a father, this is naturally a happy thing!

After all, in the eyes of the child, this means that the child worships him!

And Li Xianlai is a handsome man, placed in these mediocre parents, it is a good look!

However, the appearance of Gu Jinglian, but it is virtually invisible, his face is hot!

As soon as he appeared, Li Xianlai knew that he was losing!

(End of this chapter)

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