Chapter 3270, Adding to the Scenery 30

Before going to sleep, I still don't forget to hold the doll in my arms, and I can't put it down. She met, and she was helpless, and she was crying and laughing. She simply let him go.

During the day, she caught a trace of movement. She opened her eyes sharply and looked at the sound. She saw the dark, a tall, slender figure standing in front of the bed, not moving.

The moonlight fell to his feet. He saw her woke up, erected his finger slightly, and pressed between the lips, indicating that she would not make a move and awaken the child.

Gu Jinglian did not know when she entered the room and went to the bed. She was negligent. In the past, even with a slight movement, she would wake up suddenly. I didn’t expect this time, until the person was close to the bed, she woke up. .

It seems that in so many days of the family, the sense of crisis with her has also deteriorated a lot. He walked in for so long, she was awakened.

Gu Jinglian looked down and saw Chu’s arms. Xiaobao held his baby in a slap in the face and slept sweetly!

The two arms are ringing, and even if they sleep, they are not willing to let go of the doll.

How much does he like this doll?

In the eyes of Gu Jinglian, this doll does not mention how ugly it is, not as good as it is.

He slowly sat on the side of the bed and looked at him. He looked at Xiaobao’s small, white face and couldn’t help but make a little teasing. He stretched out his slender fingers and gently pinched Xiaobao. The nose.

Chu He met, and the lips twitched a bit, but did not expect that this man, there is such a bad taste?

In his sleep, Xiao Bao felt that he couldn’t breathe. The small mouth “squeaked” and opened his mouth, breathing with his mouth, but the person did not wake up.

This guy, sleeps really hard!

Gu Jinglian couldn't help but feel that this guy was only very cute when he was asleep.

At least, quiet.

When the little guy closed his eyes, the thick eyelashes were so obvious!

Gu Jinglian got closer and touched his eyelashes with his fingertips.

Even in his sleep, the little guy noticed the strangeness from the eyelids, subconsciously waving his hand, using his feet to squat, and the baby in his arms was suddenly smashed to the ground.

Said, the temper is quite big.

Gu Jinglian pinched his face, and the doll was taken to the ground. Xiao Bao’s side also had his “place of belonging”.

Chu He’s eyes watched him lie down beside Xiao Bao’s side. For a time, he only felt uncomfortable!

Is he going to sleep here tonight?

Chu He felt that his limbs were so stiff that he couldn’t help but retract him when he was holding Xiao Bao’s arm. He was afraid to touch him.

Gu Jinglian Yu Guangzhen saw her uncomfortable look, but did not care too much.

He gently grabbed Xiao Bao's shoulder and closed his eyes slightly.

During the day, he is busy with work, and the little guys have to take classes in kindergartens, so there is not much time to get along.

Even, sometimes, the little guy deliberately approached him, but when he was a child, he felt that the little bean budder was awake, and he couldn’t wait too far to see how far he was.

However, he did not see him arrogant, but also heartbroken.

It’s incredible.

It seems that he has not adapted well to the role of father!

Gu Jinglian closed her eyes, and Chu He on the side relaxed her vigilance.

It seems that he just wants to sleep with Xiaobao.

Therefore, she did not think much more, she guarded Xiaobao and fell asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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