Chapter 3289, Kings Addition 49

"I don't know who is behind the time."

When she said this, several burly police officers present were not convinced!

What's special, they were actually teased by a newcomer!

Still a woman!

Looking at the arrogant expression of Chuho, the eyes are full of irony, and it is clear that they are looking down on them.

A police officer took the film and many of them were veterans who were retired. Therefore, they were all **** men.

When I heard this, I couldn’t sit still!

The counselor on the podium saw it and screamed, "Sit down!"

"Captain! She..."

"I let you sit down! Did you hear it? Even my orders did not obey?"

Anti-black group, pay attention to obedience, usually can laugh and laugh, but the captain issued orders, but no one dare not listen.

The man snorted and sat down.

The counselor said, "I will introduce it! This is the internship officer of the anti-black group new recruit, the name is Chu He. Later, we are the comrades of our group, you take care of you!"

Before coming to the podium, Chu He still stood in a standard posture and introduced himself. "My name is Chu He, please advise."

After all, she stooped, a standard embarrassment, expressing her respect as a new police officer to her predecessors.

After the morning meeting, Chu He needs to register, followed by a week-long induction training and a one-month internship.

After one month, there will be a rigorous assessment. If the assessment is passed, it will be formally entered into the establishment.

Chu He just walked out the door, and several police officers looked at each other and exchanged a look.

One of the men walked toward her, just reaching out to grab her shoulder, Chu Hetou did not return to hold his arm, and then, almost lightning-fast, he took a backpack.

I won a cry.

The man was heavily smashed to the ground and he was sore.

The cold marble floor is cold and hard.

Chu He turned his face with a blank expression and sneered. "If you want to try the newcomer's skill, you don't have to use such a despicable means of sneak attack!"


The man was shocked and looked at her with sorrow. He couldn’t figure out how it was. How can Chu’s seemingly so delicate body contain so much energy!

too terrifying.

Chu He gently patted his hands, faintly authentic. "Unfortunately, I will go to the training soon. Otherwise, I can make a move with my predecessors."

Behind him, several police officers rushed out of the conference room and stared at the scene, feeling ridiculous.

"Brother, how have you been overturned?"


The man climbed up from the ground and squeezed his fist. He was about to walk toward Chuhe, and the shorter policeman behind him immediately took him.

"Okay, don't be impulsive. Don't go with a newcomer!"

"That is, Hui Ge, don't be tempted to use things. If you are known by the counselor, you must take the punishment."

The man just angered and turned and left.

Chu He’s heart is silent: he is sick.

All day, it is training.

However, the instructor was surprised and surprised that Chu He’s qualifications were quite good.

Some of the more difficult training tasks, Chu He can also be completed with super high standards.

At the end of the training, the instructor called Chu to the side and cautiously asked, "Have you used to be a soldier?"

Chu He raised his eyebrows and faintly said, "When it was."

"Hey? Veterans?"


"..." The instructor's mouth is huge.

real or fake?

(End of this chapter)

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