Chapter 3293, Adding to the Scenery 53

I have to say that Xiaobao is a very creative child.

The invitation card for each child is not monotonous or rigid. For example, the nephew once said that she wants to live in a dreamy castle with a large back garden filled with flowers.

So, on the invitation card, he painted the castle and flowers, and even carefully put a crown on her head.

The children in the class loved it, and the children in the class were too envious.

The greeting cards of these two children were brought to the class, and the two children were very excited!

"Wow! Xiaobao painted me so handsome!"

This kid especially likes football and plays very well. Xiaobao draws a jersey for him, but it is awesome!

The other girl likes to watch the Ba La La Xiao Xian Xian, so Xiao Bao painted her into a magic fairy, the girl saw the invitation, baby can't!

It can be seen that Xiaobao is actually a very delicate child.

He knows how to observe the advantages of each child, or something he likes.

The sunflower class is sensational!

Because Xiaobao can only draw two at most every night, it is time to sleep!

Three days later, only five children in the class received the invitation card, and the other children were envious, but they could only look forward to seeing if they would receive the birthday invitation card of Xiaobao!

For a time, I forgot, Xiaobao is the number one "dangerous molecule" among all parents.

However, because of the restraint, they are somewhat embarrassed to take the initiative to ask Xiaobao whether they will draw their invitation card, so they can only look forward to it, some children will even go to the class in advance, and then rush to find themselves If you see the invitation card, you will be shown with a delicate invitation card.

If you don’t receive it, it’s a lost face. What's more, you will be unhappy all day long and listless!

For them, this does not seem to be just a meaning of a birthday invitation.

Because of the invitation card, the relationship between Xiaobao and other children in the class has gradually warmed up!

Perhaps, Xiaobao did not realize that, now, he and other children have restored the intimate relationship.

When Xiaobao arrived in the class, all the children watched him with every move, eyes full of yearning and curiosity, staring at his hand, looking after him, wanting to see his new invitation card is To whom.

I didn’t receive it, and naturally sighed.

The child who received the invitation card brought the invitation card back home and told the parents about it.

The vast majority of parents are reasonable, and seeing Xiaobao’s family are so thoughtful, they even hand-painted greeting cards, and they have changed a lot of ideas.

Almost all children who have been invited to the card are allowed by their parents to participate in Xiaobao’s birthday party!

Chu He was keenly aware that when she sometimes got off work to pick up Xiaobao, once, she saw that many children were excited to ask questions about Xiaobao.

"Xiao Bao, who are you going to paint today?"

"Draw me to paint me! Xiaobao, I will go to your birthday party! At that time, I will definitely prepare you a superb gift! So, you give me an invitation card for you, okay?"


On the way back, Chu He couldn't help but ask him, "How many invitation cards are left?"

Xiao Baozhen took out a stack of books from the bag. The above is a list. He counted and told her, "There are thirteen!"

(End of this chapter)

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