Chapter 3359, Kings Addition 122

His grandson is the successor of the future family, as a policeman?

How much is it?

Fu Bo also said that he still remembers that in one of the episodes of the black cat sheriff, there was a murder in the animal city.

A public servant died, and finally the black cat sergeant solved the case. It turned out that the two baboons were married, and the public servant let the mother-in-law eat himself, so that he could give birth to his child.

It turns out that the mother-in-law produces small cockroaches and needs to be supplemented with nutrients, so the gongs are eaten to maintain.

Scared at night, Gu Jinglian hid in the quilt and vowed that he would never marry.

Fu Bo explained to him several times. He is a man, a man is a man, and his future wife will not eat him.

Gu Jinglian only believed.

This is not the most stupid.

The most stupid one was when I went to the street and passed a store. At that time, Gu Jinglian, who was only four years old, saw that there was a bubble machine in the store.

The appearance of the pistol, pulling the trigger, will blow out a lot of bubbles.

At the time, it was very novel and sold very expensive, but many children like it.

When he was fancy, he said yes.

Fouber did not want to, Gu Jinglian had a hand and a ring around her chest, sitting on the ground with her ass, her legs crossed, and her face was flat.

The child, picking up, but not crying, but also said nothing, a pair of "you don't buy me, I will not go".

Where Faber was willing to accustomed to him, he made a move.

The result is far from the store, and this guy still hasn't followed.

He curiously folded back, but saw that the guy still refused to get up on the ground.

The boss couldn't stand it anymore, handed it to him with a bunch of bubble machines and said, "Hey, don't make trouble! Give it to you to play well?"

She also looked at Gu Jinglian too cute, and she was very tender and tender, a lovely face of Xueyu. When she got angry, she was so angry that she was like a steamed buns.

Gu Jinglian is not allowed.

He wants to buy it, and refuses to take it.

Fouber had no choice but to see him, but he had to buy it.

As a result, going home along the way, Gu Jinglian holding a bubble pistol can't put it down, playing all the way, when I got home, I couldn't spit out bubbles. He was smart, knowing the principle of this bubble, and ran to wash the detergent. Have a good time.

Chu He listened to laugh and leaned forward, did not think that Gu Jinglian was so cute when she was a child, she realized that Xiao Bao’s stupidity was inherited!

At first, she looked at Xiaobao. How do she think about it? Whose gene is this guy inherited?

She is a famous cold temper. The eccentricity of this guy is jubilant. The key is that it is still stupid. Sometimes, watching cartoons can be moved to cry!

I know this, Xiao Baoguo is really Gu Jinglian’s own.

Chu He walked up to him and stared at him. "You said, how lovely you were when you were young?"

At the same time, I feel incredible!

If it wasn't for Faber's unwillingness to mention it, she couldn't imagine it. Gu Jinglian was so cute when she was a child.

In her impression, Gu Jinglian must be a bully, overbearing, and arrogant when she was a child, or she would have a face like a little old man and could not play with other children.

Unexpectedly, it is as childish as other children!

"To shut up!"

Gu Jinglian’s face floated inexplicably red, turned around, and snorted, which is obviously awkward!

He secretly gritted his teeth, this Fu Bo, and he said things in his old days.

The mouth is not at all secure!

Isn't it for him to mention these things again!

(End of this chapter)

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