Chapter 3367, Adding to the Scenery 130

A girl was very angry and said, "Mother has been holding her brother since she gave birth to her younger brother. She always holds me. Usually, I talk to her, she is not ignorant!" ”

Many of the children in the class have parents who have given birth to a second child.

After the arrival of the second child, as a big treasure, it was more or less ignored.

Most of the children are spoiled, but this family has a little baby, and the status of Dabao has always been shaken.

Children don't know how to regulate their emotions, so they complain.

"Hey, you can be careful! Wait until your mother really has a baby, I won't like you!"

The nephew was really scared. She went home and asked her mother side by side. After the baby was born, she would not like her. Will she like the baby, she will not want her!

This is of course rejected.

However, other children are blowing hair beside her ear, she is somewhat concerned about it!

Therefore, now, so late, my mother is not coming, and my parents are inevitably worried.

Chu He listened, but he couldn’t smile. “How come? Whether your mother has a baby or a baby, who can’t replace it!”

I have some doubts, "Really?"

"Well! Because, my nephew is the most embarrassing! You see, even I like you so much!"

The nephew was a little shy and red-faced.

Behind him, suddenly came the voice of Xiao Bao, "Hey! Hey!"

The nephew turned back, but saw a miniature version of Dabai standing behind him, actually a white doll with a length of one meter and five meters.

Xiaobao struggled to hold the big white doll, holding its two hands and dancing to make her happy. "Hey, hello! I am Dabai!"

The nephew looked at this white with some embarrassment.

Xiao Bao’s body contracted behind Dabai and approached her closer.

"Scanning is in progress."


“Looks like you are not happy?”

Xiaobao pretends to be the tone of Dabai Machinery, and opens its two big hands and embraces her. "Don't be unhappy! There is a big white, always protect your nephew!"

The nephew was teased and laughed, and his eyes lit up like little stars.

She opposed the big white and embraced it. "I love it most!"

Xiaobao smiled and stuffed Dabai into her arms. From his back, he had a small head. "Hey, smile, don't be sad, you are the cutest!"


Chu He saw the child laughing, so he said comfortably, "There is a little cold outside, my nephew, are we going back to the room?"


Xiao Bao also said, "Hey, you will sleep with me tonight, and go back tomorrow!"

The child's face was red, and he nodded shyly.

Chu He took the two little guys after a shower, brushed their teeth, and went to bed.

What's interesting is that don't look at the younger children, but they already know that men and women are different. At first, Chu He wanted two people to wash together, but he refused, and said shyly, "Mom said, children are girls, can't be with boys. Take a shower!"

This can really make Chu He laugh.

The night is getting darker.

The two little guys were lying in bed, but they couldn't sleep.

Xiaobao is excited and excited, but his nephew is a little nervous.

For the first time in history, she was sleeping with a boy on a bed, so it was obviously shy to wrap himself up!

(End of this chapter)

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