Chapter 3402, Adding to the Scenery 165

"Right, what is your name?"

"My name is Yi Linxi."

"Lin Xi, a very nice name."

When I got to the intersection, Lin Xi suddenly said, "Let's go, I know a shortcut."

Needless to say, Chu He did not dare to drive the car to the street, and swayed the city. Until then, she must station a lot of troops. Therefore, she followed Lin Xi’s instructions and opened the path.

The so-called trails, the roads are extremely difficult to walk, the forest roads are all muddy passages opened by the locals, not the roads that were previously paved with cement.

This is the dawn.

Chu He did not dare to rest.

Although fatigue driving is dangerous, but here is the wild jungle, all beasts, jackals, lions, cheetahs...

very dangerous.

She drove all the way to Lin Xi's factory. After getting off the bus, she looked around and confirmed that there was no danger before Lin Xi got off.

At the gate of the factory, there is no one, no one is angry.

Chu He took out his pistol with his waist, and he glanced at it with caution. The left hand held Lin Xi’s hand tightly until he walked into the factory and pushed open the door. Under the moonlight, it was full of dust.

Lin Xi waved his hand and coughed a few times.

Chu He quickly grabbed his mouth and snorted, "Don't make a sound."


Lin Xi nodded in conjunction with the location, closed his mouth slyly, and could not make a sound.

Chu He opened the door and walked in. She took out the night vision device from the bag and put it on her eyes. This way, even in the dark environment, the terrain can be clearly distinguished.

In the line of sight, two figures suddenly appeared. They hid behind the wall and were local blacks with guns in their hands.

Although it is black, it is difficult to identify by the hiddenness of the night.

However, Chuhe’s night vision goggles were equipped with thermal imaging. Therefore, they were discovered at a glance and immediately stood still. In the local words, “We are not rebel forces.”

The blacks did not expect that she would find them, look at each other, but still be vigilant, and more and more grip the gun in their hands.

Chu He is no longer going forward, but takes a half step back, collects the pistol, slowly raises his hands and expresses sincerity. "Reassured, you are safe, I will not hurt you!"

A few black civilians dispelled their vigilance and pulled up a light. Under the light, Chu He discovered that all the employees of the factory and the civilians who ran away from other places hid on the second floor and looked nervously. Downstairs, I saw a woman and a child. There was no armed force, and this put down the guard.

"who are you?"

"My husband was trapped in the enemy area, I came to him."

Chu He said again, "Is there someone with Wilt?"

A man in a ragged suit stood up and asked curiously, "Who are you looking for?"

"I am looking for Gu Jinglian."

"Gu Zong?"

When the man heard it, he immediately rushed downstairs and walked up to her and looked at her. Some doubts were authentic. "You are..."

"I am his wife."


The man became more and more suspicious. "How have I never heard of it, Gu always has a wife."

"I just got the certificate soon."

Chu He saw what he did not believe, and provided several intimate information. Regarding Gu Jia, about Gu Shi, the talent was finally believed, but it was very embarrassing.

"When I evacuated from Wilt a few days ago, the two sides were separated, and Gu did not have any news."

(End of this chapter)

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