Chapter 3410, Adding to the Scenery 173

Lin Xi was shocked!

Did not think that this man picked up a hand and picked up a woman!


Although Chu He is very thin, but the height is placed here, there is still some weight. He even lifted her with one hand, and with a single arm, his face did not change.

Gu Jinglian hugged her, turned and saw Lin Xi still staying in the same place, frowning, cold and cold, "Chang up."

"Oh... um."

Lin Xi immediately chased it up.


Three people marched all the way and arrived at a bomb shelter. Gu Jinglian was previously with the big forces. However, because of an Yi Linxi emerged in the middle, he came with him to find Chu He, and thus lost contact with the big forces.

They were originally planning to go to the signal tower, recover the signal of the interruption, and then contact support.

In this way, parting ways, and Chu He was injured, so Gu Jinglian intended to find a sheltered place, first deal with her wounds.

In the bomb shelter, it is dark and damp.

Gu Jinglian placed Chu He in a relatively dry place and turned and told Lin Xi to say, "Take gauze and iodine."

Lin Xi took Chu's battle package back. He found the iodine and gauze from the bag and handed it to Gu Jinglian.

Gu Jinglian untied the cloth and looked at the wound. She had obvious gunshot wounds on her waist and abdomen. She had a cross on the wound, but she did not see the bullet shell.

The bullet has been taken out.

Gu Jinglian was surprised.

This cross is probably because the bullets were taken. Who took it?

Is it her own?

How did she do it?

A woman, even in the case of a gunshot wound, has such a terrible willpower that she can take bullets herself.

However, because of the limitations of the situation, the wound has not been well treated. If it is dragged, it is easy to get infected.

Gu Jinglian disinfected the wound with iodine, and after thoroughly cleaning it, he stopped bleeding. He covered the gauze with clean gauze and wrapped it.

Cleaning the wound is especially painful.

Chu He suddenly woke up, she snorted, opened her eyes, and the good-looking eyebrows twitched slightly.

Gu Jinglian glanced at her, "pain?"

Chu He nodded and breathed quickly. "Well, a little."

Gu Jinglian said, "Forbearance."

Wounds are not well handled and are easily infected with inflammation.

After he wrapped the wound, Chu He finally closed his eyes and his breathing gradually stabilized.

Gu Jinglian suddenly asked, "How come you?"

Chu He twisted his eyebrows, but his face was faintly faint. She turned her face and didn't look at his face.

She has her pride. It is impossible to tell Gu Jinglian that it is because of fear that she will not hesitate to take risks and come to such a war-torn area to come to him.

It is even more impossible to say that he is worried about his accident and worried that Xiaobao will lose his father...

Now, seeing him safe, she has also landed.

Gu Jinglian saw that she did not speak, the pale face, only the redness on the cheeks, it looked very strange.

He doubted the truth, "is it because of worrying about me?"


Chu He interrupted his words almost conditionedly; cold and cold, "Do you think I came for you?"

Gu Jinglian, "..."

Isn't it?

This is not the case without silver or three hundred.

Chu He’s words seem to be convincing, and he’s expressionless. “I’m here, just... come...”

(End of this chapter)

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