Chapter 3412, Kings Addition 175

Open my eyes, but I saw Gu Jinglian’s head gently pillow on her shoulder, warm breathing, constantly rolling on her cheek, for a time, she only felt as if she was breathing into the lungs, he was calling from.

The lip that he exhaled seemed to be slightly hot. She only felt that her face was suddenly red, and pushed him subconsciously, but his body did not move.

He held her so tight that she had an illusion that she was his most treasured treasure.

Chu He’s face became more and more unnatural. She saw Gu Jinglian’s heavy breathing. It was mostly these days, so exhausted that she slept very dead.

She didn't know when he slept and when he slept, so he couldn't bear to wake him up.

Chu He closed his eyes and planned to rest for a while until the hole was cold and there was an amazing blast, and the harsh sound was deafening.

Her ears were suddenly snarled.

Gu Jinglian also woke up in an instant. He looked up and saw a sound of a small rope coming from the hole.

"someone is coming."

Chu He also reacted and immediately stood up and took the assault gun from the ground and squatted in the corner.

Gu Jinglian was hiding in the hole and holding his breath in vigilance.

However, the sound of the thin ropes outside the hole suddenly went away. They did not seem to find the hole in the bush cover.

Then they heard the rumbling sound of the tank passing by the hole.

Chu He carefully walked to the hole, opened the bushes and looked out the door, but saw the coconut trees over the sky. Several helicopters hovered in the air, the fog was filled, the visibility was extremely low, and the huge leaf fan made a sound.

"We should go."

Gu Jinglian said, "Go now."

Chu He nodded.

Gu Jinglian asked nervously, "Can you go by yourself?"

"Yeah. I have no problem!"

After a few hours of sleep, the pain of the wound has also eased a lot.

She walked over and carried the combat package back. Gu Jinglian walked over and woke up Lin Xi and gave him a gun.

Leaving here, you may encounter an ambush by the rebel army at any time. He can't hold him. He can only say that he is covered as much as possible.

However, even if he is a child, in this case, you need to carry a weapon with you.

Lin Xi said, "It doesn't matter, I will use a gun."

Growing up in such an environment from an early age, he has learned how to use firearms from an early age and understands basic self-protection.

Gu Jinglian gave him several magazines. Lin Xi put the magazines close to the body, and the three people left the hole before they walked out of the hole. The huge voice was clearer.

There was a bullet in the rain.

Gu Jinglian covered Lin Xi, and Chu He followed him. One person rushed forward. One person turned his back to Gu Jinglian to observe the situation behind him, and covered them. Three people ran in the bullets.

The sound of the cymbal accompanied by the AK's sweeping sound, the tremella on the eardrum with a tragic note.

Gu Jinglian gave Lin Xi the only helmet he had. He had three heavy bullets on his shoulders, carrying three guns, and both hands carrying heavy Gatlin rushed to the forefront, and the pace was fast.

He looked back at the distance and pulled the scorpion to give orders: "fire."

After Chu He pad, he heard the semi-automatic reply in his hand, and opened his eyes to aim at it. He slammed two shots and shot a soldier who suddenly appeared in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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