Chapter 3487, Adding to the Scenery 252

Xiao Yuchen suddenly had a big head and two big. "I don't know what the experimental base he said is!"

Lisa explained, "Sometimes ago, before Youyou, I took a piece of land in North Africa and wanted to use the environment where there is a good time to develop an electromagnetic experiment base."

Alice suddenly interrupted her. "Lisa, he has been here for so long, you shouldn't even have a confession with the ‘Eye of the Eyes’ plan.”

Lisa didn't know what to say for a while.

Xiao Yuchen is even more confused.

“What is the ‘eyes’ plan?”

Alice sat down and immediately gave him "science."

"The 'Eye of the Eyes' plan is a concept proposed by Youyou. Through the research and development of the quantum field, we can create a 'Skynet' that can cover the world's information network and take care of it. Through such a 'Tianwang', it can intercept at any time. The missile can also interrupt the launch of any missile. In other words, if the 'Eye of the Eyes' is really successful, the Hurricane Group will become the hegemon of the world."

Xiao Yuchen heard it.

Alice is simple and stressful. “In short, if the research and development is successful, the ‘eyes’ plan can create all wars and stop all wars.”

Xiao Yuchen finally understood, "So... this plan, if the research and development is successful, the hurricane will completely control the world pattern?"

Lisa and Alice looked at each other with relief, nodded, and said in unison. "You can say that."

Alice especially wants to understand.

Xiao Yuchen and You You are twins, the same one out of the mother's womb, how to help so change. State, Xiao Yuchen is so ... stupid.

One put forward the idea of ​​the "Eye of the Eyes" plan, and even one of the "Eye of the Eyes" plan must explain for a long time to understand the transparency.

I really doubt what the genetic structure of the two of them is.

Xiao Chenchen said, "This question is too complicated. If he asks this again, I will definitely show my feet."

I know that I know, but Gong Shaoying really wants to ask him about the "Eye of the Sky", he still knows nothing.

"How to do!?"

Lisa and Aliceny sighed in tangled.

"Alice, did the lord say a few days on the island?"

Alice shook her head.

"That is, you don't know when he will leave?"

Xiao Yuchen impatiently said, "Even if you really get rid of your identity, it doesn't matter! Youyou doesn't belong to him! Why does he control Yuyou, and he can complete the plan to monopolize the world rules! He is us. My grandfather, how can I use Yuyou? If Mommy knows, it will be very sad!"

Before that, he always thought that Gong Shaoying would erase the memory of Yuyou and stay in the palace because he loved Yuyou, because he missed the poetry of Yunshi, loved the house and Wu, so he wanted to stay with him.

However, it seems that the eyes of Gong Shaoying are not so simple now!

Does he want to use the blessing to achieve the status of the hurricane hegemon! ?

Too selfish!

How painful is Yuyou!

How painful is Mommy!

How painful it is! ?

Is it so important that so many people feel that they are not optimistic about his ambitions! ?

Isn’t his hatred of admiration so memorable, how can he not give up?

At this moment, he is very fortunate, Yuyou and his exchange of identity, now, Youyou returned to Mommy, otherwise, so go, Gong Shaoying must destroy the blessing!

(End of this chapter)

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