Chapter 3505, Adding to the Scenery 271

The white robe man followed his gaze.

The scene in front of you is warm, warm and warm.

However, the illusion he created for him is not like this at all!

Could it be that Xiao Yuchen used his own willpower to tamper with the illusion?

The senior hypnotist will create a illusion, let the hypnotist enter the false illusion, the betrayal of the dear, the family's abandonment...

In this way, the hypnotized person will have self-doubt, and finally, the self will abandon all of this memory.

You are blessed by witnessing those cruel and cold memories, self-doubt, and eventually being countered by the first personality, and even the memories of the first personality are sealed up.

However, Xiao Yuchen did not follow his inducement to follow the illusion he created.

Instead, it has falsified the direction of the illusion!

The white robe man met and immediately waved his hand gently, and the sight in front of him disappeared immediately!

Mu Yuchen only felt the eyes swayed and the villa was gone.

Youyou and Yueyao are not there anymore.

Mu Yazhe and Yun Shishi are also gone.

Instead, it was a smog.

He only felt that he was in a dark environment and could not reach his fingers.

Xiao Yuchen’s panic for a moment, however, quickly calmed down, walked in the fog, looked around, reached out and wanted to open the fog, but could not see the surrounding environment.


Xiao Yuchen tried to scream a few times, only feeling that the sound continued to reverberate, but could not hear any other movements.


He carefully passed through the fog, but could not see anyone's trace!

It must be a nightmare...

It must be a nightmare!

Xiao Yuchen kept telling himself in his heart, only wishing he could wake up from a nightmare as soon as possible.

However, for a moment of blinking, I vaguely saw a white figure passing from the front.

"Who is there??"

Xiao Yuchen rushed up and followed the figure!

"Mummy! You are, are you guys!"

He continued to follow the panic, but I didn't know how long it took to run. He only felt that his feet were smashed by foreign bodies!

All of a sudden, I fell a real thing.

Xiao Yuchen looked up tiredly, but he couldn't help but see a small figure standing in front of him.

The fog is heavy and scattered.

The face of the little guy has also become clearer!

Xiao Yuchen’s eyes are amazed!

I saw that the little Yueyao stood in front of him, condescending and looking at him contemptuously.

Her mouth, still sucking the pacifier, relished, just, her eyes, a hollow, as if controlled by people, familiar with the face, strange, but she gives people the feeling!


Xiao Yuchen’s voice did not fall. He only felt a dull pain in his chest. He stared blankly and saw only a tender little hand, holding a dagger tightly.

The small hand at the end of the dagger is from the harmless and simple Xiaoyueyao.

She stabbed the dagger into his abdomen, but his face raised a slap in the face.

She cracked her mouth and the pacifier fell to the ground, but she smiled happier, making a crisp laugh, like a scorpio.

"Ha ha ha, a lot of blood..."

Xiaoyue Yao took back his hand and wiped the blood a little bit on his face. The smile was pure and harmless. However, such an environment, with a smile like her, is inevitably chilling!

"Hee hee hee……"

(End of this chapter)

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