Chapter 3528, Adding 294 to the Scenery

Compared with pirates in other seas, Somali pirates are fully armed, and the means are even more cruel and savvy, even equipped with high-killing weapons such as rocket launchers!

However, it was different at the time.

The ships of Miyazaki are very powerful, and there are even intercepting missiles that have robbed the rocket launchers.

The yacht, without any armed forces, has only a few weapons and military fires. However, such a military fire is afraid that it is difficult to resist the Somali pirates in a cluster.

"We must leave here as soon as possible."


Lisa said, "Are you crazy? The front is the sea storm. If we go back, isn't it more dangerous?!"

Xiao Yuchen frowned, but listened to Lisa, "Somali pirates are embarrassed, but they can't be met from time to time. We are prepared to do something."

"it is good."

Xiao Yuchen did not dare to sleep, and Lisa was in the cockpit.

The water of the waves sinks in the cabin, but the yacht is equipped with equipment that can directly discharge the water immersed in the cabin.

Throughout the day, everything is safe.

However, at night, Lisa was sleepy and sleepy. Suddenly she heard that the yacht suddenly stopped stagnating.

She suddenly woke up and looked at the screen, but the screen showed a propeller failure.

"what happened?"

"The propeller of the bow is faulty."

After a pause, Lisa asked him, "Have you heard the noise?"

"heard it."

Xiao Yuchen said to Lisa, "You stay here, I will go to the bow to see."

"it is good."

Xiao Yuchen went to the bow and the water landscape in the cabin was discharged, but there was still a layer of water on the ankle. He took the water and came to the bow, looking across the railing, but looking at the bow. The direction, a large piece of blood, suddenly reddened the front of the sea.

He was shocked and shocked!

This is how the same thing! ?

When Xiao Chenchen was suspicious, he saw it with an arm and went down the seawater and floated out from under the propeller.

He thought it was an individual. When he was puzzled, he discovered that this arm was actually a broken limb!

It is a corpse!

A corpse floated under the propeller, and the propeller smashed the body, but it was stuck.

This tells the propeller failure!


Xiao Yuchen’s eyelids suddenly jumped so badly that he returned to the cockpit and said to Lisa, “The propeller was twisted into a body and stuck.”

"How can there be a body?!"

"I don't know. What should I do now?"

Lisa said, "First shut down all the yachts, dive in the sea, and then clean up the things that caught the propellers in order to operate normally."

In other words, you have to go into the water and clean up those bodies to get back to normal operation.

Xiao Xiaochen is somewhat fascinated!

Lisa saw his expression and immediately said, "I am coming!"

"No! I will come."

Lisa smiled. "There are so many dead people I have seen, a corpse, and I am better than you. I am getting into the water and it is safer. You go to the storage room for me and take the diving suit."

"it is good."

Xiao Yuchen immediately went to the storage room and took the diving suit.

Lisa closed all the equipment of the yacht and walked to the bow with her diving suit, but suddenly she could not hear the noisy sound coming from far away.

It was through a loudspeaker, a man screaming.

Lisa frowned, immediately took out the waist-shaped telescope, looked at it, but was shocked to take a half step back.

(End of this chapter)

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