Chapter 3530, Kings Addition 296

Lisa narrowed her eyes and yanked a sharp dagger from her lower back and waved it toward the nearest person!



The guns in the basement are everywhere.

However, within a few tens of seconds, the basement has returned to a heart-rending death!


The other crew members touched the storage room. They were very vigilant and armed with guns before they broke into the door. They then set the guns away and watched each corner in a vigilant manner.

As soon as they entered the room, they had the smell of fish, and they drifted on the sea for a month. The sour smell without bathing was all in the air.

Seeing that there was no one in the storage room, a group of people took up the gun and began to rummage up!

The pirates came to the treasures and saw no one on the boat. The first reaction was probably to run on a small speedboat. Therefore, quickly search for the property left on the yacht.

The door of the cabinet suddenly opened.

The people immediately became alert, and had not had time to raise their guns. A bomb that didn't know what it was was suddenly thrown out.

A group of people looked at each other and looked at them curiously. The flash bomb exploded at once, and they screamed. In such a small room, the flash bomb exploded, and the powerful glare was suddenly stunned. Everyone is blind!


"It's a flash bomb!"

When a group of people were crying and crying, Mu Yanchen with goggles turned over from the cupboard with M4A1, and kneeled on one knee, and it was a series of sweeps at the crowd!

"Da da da!"

During the day, a large body was poured on the ground.

Mu Yuchen stood up and walked over. A corpse and a corpse examined the past, but where the eyes were still turning, directly to the eyebrows!

Other people in the second floor cabin heard the gunshots from the storage room on the first floor, and they made each other's eyes look. They immediately rushed to the storage room, swayed the smoke inside, and went inside to see the blood flowing into the river!

"what happened!?"

A group of people apparently did not expect such a change!

When they were all in the grass, the top of the storage room was suddenly pulled open, and then a shot of Gatlin directly in.

Lisa was on the top, carrying Gatlin, and slamming into the cabin for a sweep!


After a few minutes, the world suddenly recovered quiet.

Lisa and Xiao Xiaochen met and carefully entered the room, holding the dagger and checking the body on the ground.

At that time, the blood in the room was already heavy!

The two men looked at each other and determined that the pirates inside were all wiped out. After Lisa and Xiao Yuchen collected the capital, they left the cabin and locked the door.


In the evening, Xiao Yuchen and Lisa dragged all the bodies onto the deck. After the inventory was finished, it was determined that there was no omission, and the body was thrown into the sea.

Lisa wore a diving suit and sneaked into the sea until she cleaned up the debris on the propeller. Lisa climbed the yacht and gestured to the cockpit.

Xiao Yuchen pushed down the starter bar and the propeller successfully resumed work. She took a sigh of relief.

Using the radio, a distress signal was sent, and Lisa passed through the route map, and the sea storm continued.

She has some headaches to help her. "I don't know when the sea storm will pass."

"I only worry, will you still encounter pirates?"

(End of this chapter)

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