Chapter 3548, Kings Addition 314

Xiao Yuchen said again, "If you choose the present Yuyou, then the former blessing will be completely destroyed. If you choose the blessing of the past, then this blessing will also disappear from the body."

Yun Shi’s poems are slightly embarrassing.

"Mummy, don't you want to come back from that time?"

"miss you……"

"That, now this blessing..."

Yun Shishi suddenly silenced.

She sighed. "Everyone, I don't want to lose."


In the study.

Youyou sat in the chair and quietly passed through the floor-to-ceiling windows and looked out the window.

He suddenly felt a little envious.

He never envied any one person, but only blessed him, until he was integrated into his life, he was sincerely envious, once blessed, and passed on such happiness.

Every night, Yun Shishi will read the bedtime story for him.

Although, he always felt that the story was too naive and ridiculous, but listening to her gentle voice, slowly falling asleep, no dreams.

In the morning, Mu Yazhe will pull him up and run in the morning.

He gradually liked this kind of life, one that can rely on and be dependent on life.

This kind of life has been blessed for eight years.

And he has never had it.

As Lisa said, if she never has it, she will not feel embarrassed.

Once you have had it, try the taste of happiness, and then go to the house, it is difficult to go to heaven.

Yuyou turned around and the table around him was the place where he was blessed, working, his fingers, gently stroking the solid wood tabletop, smooth and slightly cold touch, which made him a little embarrassed.

Like this table, everything here seems to never belong to him.

He has no way, it is a matter of course, and he accepts it all with peace of mind.

However, when he left this position, he felt that he was unwilling.

He could do it if he couldn’t do it before.

The one who can do it, he can do better.

He... wants to stay.

Yuyou suddenly got up and stopped at the bed, staring at the scene in the garden, the beautiful rose flowers in the back garden, proudly blooming...


"The two children have already arrived in Beijing successfully?"

Island of Aklan.

Gong Shaoying was sitting on the bed in the bedroom. This bed was once the bed of Youyou, and Xiao Yuchen was lying.

The subordinates immediately responded, "As far as I know, the two children have returned to the capital."

There are some surprises in the eyes of Gong Shaoying!

"Two little guys, how powerful?"

"We searched all the way and found the yacht they were driving when they left. There was a body on it. According to the judgment, it was the body of a pirate."

Gong Shaoying was nervous. "Pirates? Have they encountered pirates?"

“A few days ago, their yacht probably encountered a sea storm, so they turned back and met the pirates.”

After a pause, he explained, "However, I think, they should not be injured. Hanging the body on the pole of the yacht is probably intended to serve as a deterrent."

When Gong Shaoying heard this, he was relieved, surprised and happy. He did not expect that his two grandsons were so powerful!

A smart mind and an amazing skill!

"Lisa? Did she not come back?"


"Forget it, let her go! In her mind, there is only one master."

Gong Shaoying said, waved his hand and several of his men retired with respect.

everything is over.

(End of this chapter)

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