Chapter 3622, Kings Addition 391

She settled the account and was taken to the box by the waiter before she opened the door. She saw a group of people sitting in the box and saw her. One of them stood up and greeted them. "Chu He is it? I am Ai Xue. Is the one that pulls you into the group!"

Ai Xue met at the time of the birth check, and then pulled her into the WeChat group, but since then, she has never seen it.

Although Ai Xue proposed to do the production check together, but the time is not right, so I have never seen it.

"Come, sit down! Everyone has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Chu He sat down in the position and curiously asked, "I don't pay for my account? Fortunately, there is still some money in WeChat, or I can't get in."

Everyone listened and looked at each other.

Ai Xue immediately asked, "Who is responsible for paying the bill?"

The crowd looked at a woman sitting in the corner, the latter listened, and said with a smile, "Hey, I thought she was not coming! So I didn't end."

Chu Hodao, "I didn't say that I came, just, said that it's a good one, you should pay for it."

Her words are no problem in themselves.

Since the account has been paid in advance, it should be fixed first.

When the woman heard it, some of her yin and yang were mad, apparently angered by her words, but she restrained her anger and said, "It’s like who cares about your forty dollars! Come here so late, who knows that you are coming or not? Isn't it forty? I will transfer it to you."

"no need."

Chu He is too lazy to collect money.

Forty, it’s not a big deal, it’s just a matter of principle, or it’s going to be clear.

She is more concerned about the principle of the problem.

The woman listened, but it didn't feel like it!

Chu said so much, it seems that she is very careless!

Ai Xue quickly made a round trip. "Oh, the matter of accounting is later, but Chu He is really true. I have forgotten today's party. I have to criticize you."

Chu He smiled. "I have been raising a baby at home, but I don't remember the days. I thought it was Friday."

"Do you not go to work now?"

Chu He back, "Well, don't go to work."

"Hey, you are pregnant for more than five months now. When I was pregnant for more than five months, I was still at work."

Chu Hodao, "I used to work for the police. Because of pregnancy, I can't travel. So, I just ask for maternity leave."


Everyone lamented and sighed, "The civil servant is really good!"

"Yeah, when I was pregnant, I asked the supervisor to take maternity leave. As a result, people said that they could only be invited for eight months. I just took more than eight months to go home to rest."

"Oh, me too, I used to be a customer service, I was facing the computer every day, and I had to entangle some trivial problems with those customers. It was really annoying."

"I really envy Chu He, rest at home, your husband will not say anything to you?"

Chu He did not understand, "What will you say?"

"For example, staying at home all day, not going to work, not making money, doing housework."

Chu He licked his mouth.

Resting at home is Gu Jinglian’s request. In fact, she has already quit her job. Gu Jinglian forced her not to do the work of the police. She thought about it and thought that the salary would not be eye-catching for Gu Jinglian. Coupled with the dragon and the phoenix, Gu Jia is attached to it.

Therefore, she simply promised to worry about them, so she promised to rest at home.

She rested, and Fouber gave a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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