Chapter 3626, Scenery Addition 395

On the way home.

Chu He sat in the back seat and looked out the window. Gu Jinglian suddenly said, "Who are those people?"

"Oh, I know it in the group."

"In the future, get along with these people."

Gu Jinglian said again, "I don't like people who talk yin and yang."

Chu He also nodded, not Gu Jinglian said, she also felt that she and they are not all the way.

She is not very sociable, plus some pregnant people, because of their leisure at home, therefore, especially love to inquire about gossip, especially love broken words, she does not like.

When Chu He came home, he opened the phone, but saw a lot of information sent by WeChat, all sent by Ai Xue.

"Chu He, is your husband Gu Jinglian, the Gujia Gujia?"

"It seems like it’s a bit unpleasant today, don’t mind."

"Right, the forty pieces you gave before, she asked me to return it to you."

A forty dollar red envelope.

Somehow, when I came back from the party, Ai Xue’s attitude towards her was much cautious. She was afraid of saying something that was not heard, and made her unhappy.

Feeling trembled, it seems to be very afraid of her.

Chu Ho replied, "Is there anything special about the family? Nothing special."

Ai Xue, but it hasn't been back for a long time, I don't know if I am busy, or I don't know how to go back.

After a long time, Ai Xue only squatted back and said, "You have been pregnant for more than five months, pay attention to raising your baby. Later, if you are still convenient, I can teach you how to knit a sweater."

"it is good."

Chu He did not say coldly and coldly, always felt that Ai Xue’s attitude made her feel uncomfortable.

Since the return from the party, the WeChat group has been quiet.

Therefore, Chu He will directly retreat, and simply raise the tires with peace of mind.

When he was pregnant for more than six months, Chu He cut his hair short, and the short hair of the ear was like a knife, which was still cut by Gu Jinglian.

Gu Jinglian came back and saw her hair cut short. Obviously, she was somewhat unhappy. However, Chu He said that the hair was too long and the bath was not convenient. He did not say anything!

Unconsciously, the stomach is getting bigger and bigger.

In the early stages of pregnancy, there was nothing to do.

But later on, the stomach became bigger and bigger, and it was like a gas.

Gradually, for more than seven months, Chu He had a big belly and walked a little.

It seems that physical fitness has also become a bit worse.

Fu Bo invited a yoga private tutor. When he was free, Chu He would practice some yoga.

At seven months, my family was very nervous.

After all, there is a kind of talk, saying that it is alive and not living seven. In seven months, the most important thing is to wait until it has been more than eight months, and everyone is relieved.

For more than eight months, Gu Jinglian’s attitude has also changed a lot.

Although Chu He has been paying attention since he was pregnant, Gu Jinglian has been even more nervous for more than eight months, so that some things in the family business have been put aside for the time being, and she has been single-mindedly accompanying her to raise a baby.

The days of pregnancy are especially difficult.

And Gu Jinglian is with her, and she will do things for herself. For example, Chu He wants to eat apples. Some man does not wait for Fu Bo to serve, consciously wash the apples, cut the skin, and carefully cut. Ok, insert it with a toothpick. On the top, come to her.

Chu He has some accidents.

He rarely serves a person, she is probably a special case in the special case!

(End of this chapter)

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