Chapter 3634, Kings Addition 403

A hood, a scaffold, if you choose a hood, if you lose, you must die, if you choose the scaffold, even if you lose, you only lose five fingers.

The black leopard said, "Green wine, congratulations, change me to be yours, I will definitely choose the scaffolding, although Gu Jinglian used to be your master, but, in a pinch, you should not think about loyalty. Rest assured, if you choose the scaffolding and Gu Jinglian wears the hood, if he loses, he will definitely die! Hahahaha!"

Manic laughter, especially harsh.

Gu Jinglian bowed his head and did not speak.

If the sake is betrayed him and chooses the scaffolding, then he will definitely work hard to win.

Qingjiu’s eyes stared at the two instruments of torture, and almost all of them shivered.

In the face of death, the selfishness of people seems to be constantly working.

He also has a daughter, because in the casino, the fish and the dragon mixed, his wife has long left him, and a daughter is dependent.

He can't just give up life!


In my heart, there is a thought that constantly reminds him that there is nothing more important than life and daughter!

Right now, as the black leopard said, is loyalty really important? !

Qing Li suddenly looked at the screen. "I have the right to choose now, right?! No matter what decision you make, it is my right, can't be changed, right?!"

"Gambling, gambling, and game rules must be followed. How do you choose, of course, your rights, and you win by winning."

"Good... good..."

Qing Li shuddered and said several "good" words. Suddenly he looked up and looked at Gu Jinglian deeply. Gu Jinglian looked at him calmly and seemed to be waiting for his choice.

He suddenly smiled, did not say anything, reached out - but chose the hood.

Rao is Gu Jinglian, and they are all shocked.

He did not think that the wine can overcome the fear of death, and choose to be loyal to him from beginning to end.

"Remember, I entered the family at the beginning, what did I say to you?"

"Life is yours, death is also the soul of the family."

Green wine smiled, biting the lip and putting the headgear on his head!

Gu Jinglian’s fist on the table is faintly shuddering.

On the screen, the black leopard was also shocked, but after all, nothing was said. "Gu Jinglian, it's up to you! This thing, you should be no stranger! In the casino, for thousands of gamblers, the lynching used, among them One is this."

"Nature is no stranger."

Gu Jinglian fixed the scaffolding and fixed the five slender fingers one by one.

"The rules are the rules, I will obey, I hope you are no exception!"

The black leopard snorted, "Okay, the game begins!"

Blackjack, one of the casino games.

The game is played by 2 to 6 people, using 52 cards in addition to the size of the king. The goal of the player is to make the sum of the cards in the hand no more than 21 points and as large as possible.

Two people play, usually a deck of cards.

2 to 9 cards, calculated according to their origin.

K, Q, J, and 10 cards are counted as 10 points, generally referred to as T, which means both.

A card, both Ace, can be counted as 1 point and can be counted as 11 points. It is up to the player to decide. When the player stops trading, the points are regarded as the maximum and try not to explode.

When all the initial cards have been distributed, if the player gets A and T in any order, they have Black Jack.

(End of this chapter)

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