Chapter 3641 Adds to the Scene 410

"I won, you let go."


The black leopard looked angry and said, "Why do I let people go?!"

"I won by me!"

Gu Jinglian asked coldly, "Do you want to violate the rules of the game?!"

"I am God, no matter what the rules, I made it. Oh, you said that I violated the rules of the game?!"

The black leopard stood up violently, picked up the gun on the table, and walked to the side of Chu He. Chu He saw him coming over, his face was amazed, but he saw the black leopard smashing the collar of Chu He. Putting the muzzle against her eyebrows, threatened, "wear the hood!"

Gu Jinglian's face suddenly darkened.

He knew that the black leopard would default, but what surprised him even more was that Chu He did not break free in time! ?

She... she didn't break free! ?

Time is not enough, but it is never short-lived.

Through the lens, Gu Jinglian saw Chu He at this time, it was full of cold sweat, and his expression was equally cold.

Green wine is angry, "Black leopard, you violate the rules of the game! You can't talk!"

"shut up!"

The black leopard looked sullen. "Gu Jinglian, if you don't want your woman to die, you will wear the hood on me, and change your life. If you die, I will let her go!"

"Why do I believe that I am dead, will you let her go?!"

Gu Jinglian is cold and cold, "Unless, you let go of her now!"

"Oh! Think beautiful, do you think I don't know what you mean!?"

The black leopard snarled at the sun's temple, and almost screamed and threatened to "wear the hood!"

Gu Jinglian’s eyes fell on Chu’s body, but she saw her eyes wide open and kept shaking her head.

The black leopard slaps it up.

"No turmoil!"

Gu Jinglian snapped, "You are not allowed to move her!"

"Put the headgear and put it on!"

Gu Jinglian turned and looked at the head of the liquor head and suddenly walked over.

Green wine refused.

"Boss, don't, don't... even if you die, the black leopard will not let go! Go, let's go!"

Gu Jinglian closed her eyes, but after all, she made up her mind and reached out and took the hood from the head of the liquor.

The liquor is struggling and he is not willing to take the hood.

However, after a hand was tied, he could not stop Gu Jinglian.

Gu Jinglian put her headgear on her head and turned to look at the screen, but she saw the black leopard finally showing a smug smile.

"Haha! When I die, I finally know that I am afraid!?"

After a pause, he laughed again and again. "However, I will give you a chance. Now, you will kneel in front of me and ask for mercy. If the attitude is sincere enough, then I can consider giving you a Life!"

Gu Jinglian did not speak.

However, he stood in front of the camera, his eyes were indifferent, his momentum was amazing, his head was wearing heavy torture tools, but he was still unable to break his slightest dismay.

Oh, noble, cold, British, can't look straight.

Even if the black leopard said so, but Gu Jinglian did not intend to ask him for mercy, kneeling.

Even if he is dead, he will never lower his noble head to anyone, even if it is a little yielding, it will not!


The black leopard smirked and laughed. "Are you really not afraid of death at all?!"

"What about you?!"

Chu He suddenly interrupted the words of the black leopard. Cold geology asked, "Are you afraid of death?!"

(End of this chapter)

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