Chapter 3644, Kings Addition 413

Gu Jinglian walked over, picked up the pistol, pointed at the center of the chain, smashed two shots, and the chain was broken.


Qing Ligang just got up and faintly heard the movement, it was a series of subtle and undetectable sounds, "Drips -"

Hidden, but it is like the sound of electronic start.

Chu He is very familiar with this voice.

"What seems to be the countdown sound?"

Gu Jinglian screwed her eyebrows and suddenly came over!


Only when he shot and broke the chain, probably triggered the time bomb, this is counting down!

"Get out of this warehouse!"

Gu Jinglian took the hand of Chu He and rushed outside. The wine also rushed out of the room. Just left the warehouse, I only felt that there was a bang in the back. The warehouse exploded. The air was like a smashing sea. The whole earth. The earthquake trembled, and Chu’s feet were unstable. A sly, although he tried to stabilize his center of gravity, he still had a soft leg and squatted on the ground.

The fierce stone smashed her knees.

She immediately took her belly and felt that it seemed to slide in the stomach. Then, there seemed to be something warm and slipped down the big leg.


There was a pain, Chu He frowned, and Gu Jinglian immediately hugged her and ran towards the car parked not far away.


Chu He climbed his shoulder and muttered weakly. "The stomach seems to be...pain..."


Gu Jinglian suddenly got nervous and just wanted to ask, but she felt the warm liquid flowing on her arm.

He was shocked and looked down, only to find that it was like water, soaked his sleeves.

The night is bleak, he can't tell, it's blood, or something!

However, under excessive tension, the subconsciously thought that these are blood, and that the child is not guaranteed!

Qing Li urged to say, "Gu, go to the hospital first, go to the hospital!"

Gu Jinglian squeezed her fist and ran towards the car.

He can't wait to break the black leopard!

Just, now is not the time to think about it.

Keep Chu He bite tight!

"Don't be afraid, I will go to the hospital right away."

Gu Jinglian was even unaware of how flustered, nervous, trembling voices, or comforting her, or comforting herself!

It will be fine, it will be fine...

Chu He bit her lip, she worried, she was a little bit louder, making him even more nervous.

Gu Jinglian took Chu He to the car, and the green wine immediately got on the bus. Gu Jinglian drove to the hospital and drove away!

Along the way, Chu He’s pain was unbearable. He only felt that the warm liquid was flowing more and more. She raised her hand. Under the moonlight, the water was slightly sticky. She could not help but wonder: “Is it... the amniotic fluid is broken?”

After listening to the green wine, I was nervous. "The amniotic fluid is broken, then...the child must come out quickly!"

Chu He was a little uneasy. "It’s only been more than nine months, not thirty-seven weeks...the children haven’t had enough full moons!”

"It doesn't matter, as long as you go to the hospital in time, you will be able to keep it!"

However, be sure to do as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the amniotic fluid is broken, and the child will not be able to come out, it will suffocate, and thus the abdomen will die.

Gu Jinglian listened, and increased the throttle more...

After thirty minutes, I finally rushed to the hospital. Gu Jinglian picked up Chu He and rushed into the emergency room. She said, "Come on! Come!"

(End of this chapter)

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