Chapter 365 apologizes! (Repeat chapter questions see message area)

He is just a subconscious defense response made in the pain!

Song Enya was mad, and the beautiful face raised a trace of anger: "Yu Chen, your child is too much! I am in the face of Mu Gege, I have not accused you! You can be like this. Now, your head is ruined, and you not only apologize, but also shirk responsibility! I have always heard that the first thing that cultivates a child is to be responsible. You will not say that if you have half of your responsibility. if!"

Like unconcerned, she took Song Enxi to go to him and asked: "Do you mean that Enxi himself fell, and then blame you? Our family Enxi will not lie! More What's more, she is good, how can she fall for no reason? Are you saying she is lying?"

Xiao Yuchen was stunned by this slap in the face, and the whole smile was red.

He drummed his mouth and squeezed his fist, pretending to be calm and calm: "I didn't push it, it wasn't my push! I am a man, don't lie!"

Song Enya said: "You are a man, do you shouldn’t have a man? You said that you didn’t lie, then you told me, how did my family’s Enxi fall?”

"Oh... sister, he is lying, obviously he is pushing me!"

In the arms of Song Enxi, the crying sounds more and more, and screamed loudly, tears continually rolling down on the cheeks.

Xiao Yuchen was somewhat irritated: "It is her that she bit me first, she is, she is clearly bullying me first!"

"But you bite, can you bully her like this?!"

Song Enya’s face was gloomy. “You are a brother, Enxi is not sensible. Shouldn’t you let a little sister?”

"...?!" Xiao Yuchen really has a bit of a sigh!

why? Why do you ask him like this?

Is it because, at the end of the matter, Song Enxi is the most seriously injured, so all the faults are worthy of forgiveness?

And he is just a legitimate defense, even if the final shot is not controlled, and hurts, he should be pointed out by thousands of people?

Moreover, he clearly remembers that he did not have much effort on his hands, and really did not use much effort!

If he is hard, he will be measured!

With his talented power, Song Enxi was pushed to the side at most and would not fall so heavy!

But he said that she fell on her own, would anyone believe him?

Will you trust him?

Xiao Yuchen looked at Mu Yazhe with some worries, but he saw his cold eyes falling on Song Enxi's face. When he saw the scene in a mess, he suddenly opened his mouth: "Is it enough?"

This voice, the scene suddenly quieted down.

Perhaps a man is a natural king, but when he speaks and makes silence, everyone must be quiet.

The situation was stabilized by his words.

"It’s no longer a matter of arguing about it now! It’s imperative to send the child to the hospital first, take a film and see what’s going wrong.”

"Oh... what to do, Enxi has never eaten such a bitterness..."

Xiao Yuchen is mad at the side, what is this bitter!

He was in the special training camp, what pain has not been eaten!

With such a small injury, the two stitches are the most.

Mu Yazhe squatted down and supported Xiao Xiaochen's shoulder. Shen Sheng said: "Yu Chen, now apologize to my sister first, huh?"

"No!" Xiao Yuchen is determined to be authentic.

(End of this chapter)

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