Chapter 3654, Kings Addition 423

Not a long month, under the careful care of Qin Ma and Fu Ma, I passed it smoothly.

Occasionally, Chu He learned that Gu Jinglian had banned the casino under the name of Gu Jia.

She was a little surprised and didn't know why he did it.

We must know that the casino is not enough for the business of the family, but it is also enough to affect the muscles of the family.

This incident, Gu Jinglian did not specifically mention with Chu He, Fu Bo just happened to say this by chance, see Chu He a look of awkward, still somewhat surprised.

"Don't you tell me?"

"No, I don't know about it."

Fu Bo sighed and shook his head and said, "Master is afraid."


"Do you know the man who kidnapped you that day?"

Chu He listened, nodded, and mentioned the matter of the day, still have some feelings.

Especially when Gu Jinglian resolutely put on the torture tool wig, her heart was hung up!

This man, such a proud, unspeakable man, really did not want her and her children.

She did not think that a man who was once known as a demon king would have such a soft side.


Chu He was for a while, and did not understand the meaning of Fu Bo.

Fu Bo said that when Chu He was still in the hospital, Gu Jinglian sent someone to solve the black leopard.

The black leopard's thing was not complicated to deal with. The green wine was not hurt badly, and the bone was cracked, but it was not nailed too deeply.

If it wasn't for the kind of courage of Gu Jinglian at the time, I was afraid that I couldn't keep such a loyal man.

A large part of the enemy of the family is erected in the casino business.

In the casinos under the name of Gu Jia, in addition to some mixed idiots, there are still some big names.

This big man, who lost tens of millions of dollars overnight, is not a minority, and his eyes may be ruined.

Those who are partial to these big people can't afford to lose.

Therefore, due to this casino, Gu Jia has made a lot of hatred on the road.

In the past, Gu Jinglian didn't care, because he was alone at the time, but now he has a wife and children, and he has to reconsider this problem.

Switching to other people may not be so easy to let go of such a rich piece of cake.

After all, the daily flow of the casino is hundreds of millions of dollars, and this can be regarded as net profit, huge profits.

Who is willing to give up such a big business? !

Perhaps the black leopard's vote, really scared Gu Jinglian.

He didn't want to take Chuho and his children as bets and chips, and couldn't afford to lose, so he carefully considered the matter.

Today, Gu’s main source of business, besides Gu’s, is the casino’s note.

He is determined to ban the casino, re-plan the Gu's pattern, and put the side center into the family.

He wants to take more time to accompany his child's growth.

Especially oh.

The birth of her daughter seems to inject a very soft agent into his hard heart.

He can't wait to be with her daughter every day, look at her, grow up a little.

This incident, Gu Jinglian only said with Fu Bo, the news, also put out on the road.

Knowing that the casino is going to be banned, everyone is puzzled and shocked!

I don't understand why Gu Jinglian wants to do this.

Chu He listened, and for a long time, I was deeply touched!

good night!

(End of this chapter)

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